The Lakeside Docks Building / Landmark in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

The Lakeside Docks

The fishing industry of Wolfhaven is, of course, centered entirely around the sprawling and chaotic docks and jetties of the Crimson Lake. Years of building and rebuilding the moorings and walkways have left a confusing layout that only the experienced can traverse without worry of falling through rotten boards into the murky water below, and the possible wooden stakes left behind from previous structures. The area stinks of rotten wood and fish, though the fresh breeze from the lake often makes the area quite pleasant occasionally. The docks themselves reach a good ten to twenty meters out into the lake with both sailed and rowing boats moored at all points along the way, some of which are partially or almost entirely submerged. There is usually some activity at the docks, day and night, as there are a variety of catches to be made at all hours.   The wise fisherman always keeps some manner of defenses with them as the denizens of the lake are sometimes more... fiesty.

Purpose / Function

The docks, nestled along the shores of the Crimson Lake and its intricate network of connected waterways, serve as the epicenter for all aspects of fishing and boating. This bustling maritime hub plays a pivotal role in sustaining the city and the surrounding territories, providing not only a steady source of food but also a significant avenue for commerce.   The bustling activity at the docks is not limited to the fishing boats alone. It extends to a vibrant marketplace where freshly caught fish and seafood are traded, and local vendors offer a wide range of marine-related products. The catch of the day is displayed on ice, creating a colorful and aromatic market scene. Merchants peddle fishing gear, nets, tackle, and nautical equipment, catering to both professional fishermen and enthusiasts.


The wharf is a complex network of weathered wooden planks and pilings, its timbers scarred and worn by years of exposure to the elements. These planks creak ominously underfoot, adding to the eerie ambiance of the place. At night, the dim glow of lanterns and torches casts eerie, flickering shadows on the wooden surface, creating a macabre dance of light and darkness.
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