The Freehold of the Iron Gate Settlement in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

The Freehold of the Iron Gate

The Freehold of the Iron Gate is a captivating and enchanting realm, situated within a lush and fertile valley, gracefully adorning the edge of the sparkling crystal lake. The Freehold's picturesque landscape is a harmonious blend of natural beauty and artistic ingenuity, creating a place of wonder and delight for all who visit or call it home.   At the heart of the Freehold lies a well-appointed medieval-styled village, with quaint cobblestone streets winding their way through charming buildings. The architecture is reminiscent of a bygone era, with pointed arches, decorative stone carvings, and steeply pitched roofs. However, the village bursts with vibrant colors and whimsical decorations, setting it apart from traditional medieval settlements.   The infusion of colors and decorations reflects the magical essence of the Freehold, as skilled artisans and craftsmen contribute their creativity to paint beams, walls, and roofs in a myriad of hues. Intricate glassworks adorn windows, casting enchanting patterns of light inside the buildings. The village exudes an air of enchantment, as if it has sprung to life from the pages of a fairy tale.   The Freehold's unique location also adds to its mystique. The ancient bunker built into the side of a mountain from long-forgotten days adds an air of mystery and intrigue to the settlement. Though its original purpose may be lost to time, it now serves as a reminder of the realm's deep history and enduring resilience.   Surrounded by the bountiful beauty of nature, the Freehold of the Iron Gate thrives as a sanctuary of magic and creativity. The crystal lake glistens with clarity, mirroring the village and the majestic mountains that embrace it. The fertile valley yields abundant harvests, and the nearby forests whisper secrets of ancient enchantment.


While Changelings form the core of the Freehold's population, the settlement also opens its arms to a few other species. These other beings may include friendly Mages, Werewolves, Vampires, or others. They are welcomed into the Freehold with respect and understanding, provided they adhere to the community's values of harmony, cooperation, and respect for nature and magic.   The Freehold prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive community, celebrating the unique qualities and talents of its inhabitants. Together, they create a vibrant and enchanting society that thrives on cooperation, creativity, and the profound connection they share through their experiences as Changelings or other magical beings.


The Seasonal Government of the Freehold of the Iron Gate is a unique and dynamic system that reflects the cyclical nature of the seasons and the ever-changing influence of each of the four seasonal courts. Every season, as the natural world undergoes its transformations, so does the government of the Freehold. The leadership of the Freehold changes hands, and a new Monarch ascends to the throne, representing one of the four seasonal courts.  


  -“I swear that I shall be faithful to the Freehold of the Iron Gate, to follow the official edicts of the reigning monarch, to cause them no harm unjustly and to give of my skills to the best of my ability for the good of the freehold, and may I be banished forever from the warmth of their hearth should I be forsworn.”   -“I promise to protect you from those outside the Freehold, be they mortal or fae, to honor and respect you and your service for the next year and a day for as long as I am in power. If I ever violate this agreement or wrong you, I will offer recompense to make it right.”   Type: Vow   Tasks: Fealty (both)   Boons: Vassalage Fortitude (vassals get +1 to Clarity rolls to resist degeneration Favor (Must use skills, or give up money or Glamour, that is within his ability for the good of the freehold over the course of the year.   Sanction: Banishment (vassal Poisoning of the Boon (liege must perform a task that is within his or her ability for the vassal.)   Duration: Year and a day  

Freehold Positions

Within the Freehold of the Iron Gate, various positions and roles are essential for the smooth functioning and well-being of the community. These positions are held by talented and dedicated individuals who contribute their unique skills and abilities to the benefit of the realm:
  • Summer Sovereign: The Summer Sovereign leads and governs the Summer Court, guiding its members with their passionate and vibrant leadership. They embody the essence of the Summer season, promoting creativity, vitality, and the spirit of adventure.
  • Spring Sovereign: The Spring Sovereign oversees the Spring Court, embodying the essence of renewal and growth. They nurture the sense of hope and rejuvenation among the Lost, fostering a sense of community and connection. 
  • Winter Sovereign: The Winter Sovereign takes charge of the Winter Court, representing the season of introspection and endurance. They provide stability and wisdom to the Freehold, guiding the inhabitants through the challenges of the cold season.
  • Autumn Sovereign: The Autumn Sovereign leads the Autumn Court, embodying the spirit of change and transition. They foster a sense of balance and adaptability within the Freehold, embracing the cycles of life.
  • Ritualist: The Ritualist is dedicated to mastering mystical rites and ceremonies. From solemn solstice ceremonies to joyful celebrations, the Ritualist understands the power of sacred acts and imbues them with special effects, role-play, and sacred mysteries to deepen the magical essence of these rituals.
  • Defender: The Defender plays a crucial role in protecting the Freehold and its inhabitants from external threats. Whether it's rallying a garden-army to protect the realm or acting as a combat medic to heal the wounded, the Defender's bravery and dedication ensure the safety and security of the community.
  • Executioner: The duty of the Executioner is to carry out the most final of sentences when all other punitive measures fail. As dictated by changeling law and the mandates of Clarity, incarceration is usually avoided, making execution an unfortunate but necessary responsibility in extreme cases.
  • Seer: The Seer is skilled in divination and dealing with the future rather than focusing on observations of the past and present. They play a crucial role in providing insights, predictions, and guidance for the Freehold, aiding in decision-making and preparation for what lies ahead.
  • Counselor: Given the ever-changing leadership of the Freehold, the role of Counselor is essential in maintaining a smooth transition of power. Counselors serve as facilitators, truth-catchers, advisors, and confidants to the seasonal Monarchs, helping them navigate the challenges of their reign and ensuring minimal conflicts and misunderstandings during the seasonal procession.
  • Gaoler: The Gaoler is responsible for handling the imprisonment of individuals when necessary. While this is an uncomfortable duty, it is essential in certain cases to protect the Freehold and its inhabitants. The Autumn Court is willing to take on this responsibility when other changelings need to be put behind bars.


The Freehold of the Iron Gate is not only a realm of enchantment and wonder but also a place where the safety and security of its inhabitants are of utmost importance. To protect against potential threats, the Freehold employs a combination of magical defenses and strategic measures:
  • Watchtowers: Scattered strategically throughout the realm, these watchtowers are equipped with powerful enchantments and manned by skilled guards. The watchtowers provide an elevated vantage point, allowing the guards to monitor the surrounding areas and detect any signs of danger.
  • Terrain Shielding: The natural terrain of the Freehold serves as a defensive advantage. The lush valley and sheltering peaks of the nearby mountains create a natural barrier, making it challenging for potential threats to approach undetected.
  • The Underdark Escape Route: The Freehold is equipped with secret passages and escape routes, including the Underdark, a network of underground tunnels. These routes provide a means of escape for the inhabitants in the event of an emergency or a surprise attack.
  • Guardian Creatures: The Freehold is home to guardian creatures, both natural and supernatural, that protect the realm from harm. These creatures, often friendly Fae or magical beings, serve as sentinels, patrolling the outskirts and alerting the inhabitants to any potential dangers.
  • The Seasonal Courts' Vigilance: Each of the seasonal courts aids in the defense of the Freehold. The Monarchs and their courtiers prioritize the safety and security of the realm, ensuring that the appropriate measures are in place to protect their community.
  • Community Cooperation: The Freehold fosters a strong sense of community and cooperation among its inhabitants. During times of potential threat, the residents band together, forming motleys and mutual defense pacts to stand united against any adversaries.

Industry & Trade

The settlement of the Freehold of the Iron Gate thrives through a vibrant and diverse economy, with its inhabitants engaged in various skilled professions that center around the production of pigments, dyes, textiles, paints, and colored glass. Local artisans are highly regarded for their exceptional craftsmanship, creating a wide array of colorful and enchanting products that are in high demand both within the settlement and beyond its borders.   The Freehold's skilled artisans take great pride in their work, using locally sourced materials and magical techniques to produce exquisite pigments, dyes, and paints that are renowned for their brilliance and uniqueness. These colorful products find their way into the creation of beautifully dyed textiles, tapestries, and decorative items that are sought after by both locals and visitors.   The art of colored glassmaking is also a prominent trade in the Freehold. Skilled glassworkers create intricate and vibrant glassworks, including stained glass windows, decorative glass ornaments, and delicate glass sculptures. Their creations add to the enchanting ambiance of the settlement and are prized by collectors and art enthusiasts from afar.   In addition to their artistic endeavors, the inhabitants of the Freehold engage in agricultural activities that contribute to their economy. They cultivate a variety of fruits and flowers, both mundane and goblin, with great care and expertise. The quality of their produce is outstanding, and these exports are highly treasured across the region and beyond.   The Freehold takes immense pride in the transportation and distribution of their exports, especially the flowers and items used in festivals throughout the area. It is a matter of great honor for the settlement to be known as the origin of such beautiful and treasured products, and they take every precaution to ensure their safe and timely delivery to various destinations.

Guilds and Factions

Within the Freehold of the Iron Gate, various guilds thrive, each representing a unique aspect of the realm's enchanting culture and talents. These guilds are formed by skilled individuals who come together to share their expertise, knowledge, and passion for their respective crafts. Some of the prominent guilds in the Freehold include:
  • The Emerald Guild : is well attended by the members of the Growers guild and the Hedge Fruit Faction. This guild monitors and aids in the production of Fruits and Flowers, both mystical and mundane. The acquisition of Goblin Fruit is one of the rarer and more careful branches of the guild. They take great care in ensuring the fruit is acquired safely and that quality fruit are acquired. The properties of such fruit are renowned for their unique endowments and few others have the means or knowledge to acquire them. Making this guild a rarity in the region. access into the hedge is well guarded, not only to protect the individuals from the dangers of the areas beyond, but also so as to not attract attention from the denizens of the realm beyond.
  • The Rainbow Guild : This Guild is a marvel of colour. Flowers, herbs and rarer materials are cultivated and lovingly converted into precious powders of every colour imaginable. Dyes and pigments are treasured for their vast array of hues and for their delicate purity. Used in the creation of fabrics, clothing, and other pigment like items such as paints, the dyes produced in the Freehold are the upmost quality. The guild closely monitors every stage of production to ensure a quality output. The colours spreading their joy over the land far and wide.
  • The Freehold Glaziers : As the name suggests, the Glaziers are a skilled group of glassmakers. Crafting a wide variety of wares from utilitarian bottles to more artisan pieces such as vases, lamps and sculptures. The delicate art requires not only a keen eye, years of training and a delicate hand, it also requires strong breath and fortified muscles. The members of the guild are well known for their tolerance of heat, many of their number, though not all, are elemental and summer court leaning lost. The care and workmanship is well marked, their work is easily seen in higher class establishments all the way to simple households for their more utilitarian fare.
  • The Vintners Guild : This esteemed guild is a gathering of skilled vintners, wine enthusiasts, and experts in the art of winemaking. They cultivate and harvest the magical grapes that grow in the enchanting vineyards of the Freehold. The guild's members are dedicated to producing exquisite wines that capture the essence of the seasonal courts and the magic of the realm.
  • Bards Guild (Chapterhouse): Song Slingers, Tale Weavers and performers of note hope to be a part of the Illustrious Bards Guild. Keepers of stories both fiction and fact, they travel the land giving the gift of entertainment and levity. In order to join the guild you must be able to portray a skill in performance and entertainment. Members boast skills in oration, dance, song, poetry and writercraft.
  • The Guild of Merchants (Chapterhouse): The Merchants guild helps to establish a link across the land to markets in the varying towns. Set prices and the use of licensing allow for a consistent standard among those who wish to sell their wares both locally and on foreign soil. The chapterhouse of the merchants guild does also provide, for a fee, the safe transportation of goods between towns. Surety that items arrive intact is often at the care of the shipper, the arrival to the towns is done through a network of careful connections and well renowned traveling merchants.
  • Cartographer's Guild (Chapterhouse): The favourite of any traveler, the Cartographers guild, for a fee, will help to provide maps for varying areas both local and beyond. For the more discerning, the guild is known to create travel listings where an outline to your destination can be provided for appropriate roads and safety measures. The guild has also carefully mapped areas locally that may pose danger in the hedge and the area beyond. Such information was acquired through great risk and is often very closely guarded. The branch of the cartographers guild in the Freehold is one of the few with such information.

Points of interest

Important Locations

  • The Summer Lodge : A luxurious and well-appointed hunting lodge, serving as the resting area for the members of the Summer Court. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the Freehold, the Summer Lodge provides all the amenities needed for the Summer Court Lost to relax and enjoy their time in the warm and passionate season.
  • The Spring Grove : A captivating and perpetually spring-like area, the Spring Grove is a sanctuary of vibrant life and beauty. The gentle breezes carry the sweet scent of spring flowers, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the welcoming abundance of the season.
  • The Autumn Haunt : A secluded and eerie retreat exclusive to the members of the Autumn Court. The Autumn Haunt offers solitude and reflection, complete with its own library. Lost of the Autumn Court can find solace and inspiration in this mysterious and secluded section of the Freehold.
  • The Winter Hall : Enveloped in a permanent snow and frost, the Winter Hall is the sanctuary of the Winter Court. The well-fortified stone hall provides warmth and comfort to the members of the Winter Court during the icy season, offering respite and camaraderie amidst the winter's chill.
  • The Arena : An ancient relic of an old bunker buried deep within the adjacent mountain. The Arena serves as the battleground for the battle for the crown, where the seasonal Monarchs compete for the right to lead the Freehold. While mostly unused during the rest of the year, it holds an air of historic significance and mystery.
  • The Commons : A grand and well-built establishment, housing the seats of government for the Freehold. The halls of the Commons are abuzz with the sound of conversation, city planning, and the delicate politics of balancing a diverse city of Lost and other magical beings. Here, decisions that shape the Freehold's destiny are made, and the sense of community and cooperation thrives.
  • The Theater of Dreams: A spellbinding and magical theater where performances go beyond the mundane. The Theater of Dreams hosts mesmerizing plays, artistic showcases, and breathtaking performances, often featuring the talents of Changelings and other magical beings. Its stage is a place where reality and imagination intertwine, leaving the audience enchanted and captivated.
  • The Crystal Docks: Located along the edge of the crystal lake, the Crystal Docks serve as a hub for trade and transportation. Colorful boats and barges line the docks, transporting goods and travelers between the Freehold and other magical realms. The docks are also a picturesque setting for leisurely boat rides, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
  • The Orchard: A lush and magical garden, the Orchard is a sanctuary of goblin fruits and other mystical flora. The orchard is cared for by skilled gardeners and herbalists, who cultivate and tend to the plants with utmost care and reverence. The fruits and plants from the Orchard are used in various enchanting concoctions and remedies, and they add to the enchantment of the Freehold.
  • The Library of Lost Tales: A unique repository of personal accounts and memoirs of Changelings who have journeyed to the realm of Arcadia and returned. This library is a cherished collection of first-hand experiences and tales, offering insight into the diverse and captivating journeys of the Lost. It serves as a source of inspiration, solace, and validation for those who have faced the trials of Arcadia.

Inns, Taverns and Restaurants

  • The Iron Rose : An upscale and grand establishment, the Iron Rose Inn is a luxurious haven for travelers and visitors to the Freehold. The Inn exudes elegance and charm, with spacious rooms, exquisite decor, and first-class amenities. Its name is derived from the legendary Iron Rose, a rare and magical flower said to bloom only under the enchanting moonlight of the Freehold.
  • The Merl Inn : Located near the docks, the Merl Inn is a charming and welcoming establishment that features a beautiful placard showcasing a winged black Merl. The inn is named after this mysterious and friendly bird that frequents the establishment and responds well to the patrons. The Merl Inn was formerly known as "Lost at the Fork" but was renamed about 150 years ago to honor its winged patron. The walls of the inn are painted with a theme of sky and earth, adorned with wax-winged blackbirds flitting between the clouds. Some patrons, after indulging in a few drinks, claim that the birds in the paintings come to life, moving and repositioning themselves upon the blue backdrop.


  • The Artisan's Market: A specialized market dedicated to the exceptional craftsmanship of the Freehold's artisans. Held regularly, this market provides a platform for local artists and skilled craftsmen to display and sell their masterpieces, including paintings, glassworks, textiles, and other unique creations. Visitors can witness firsthand the ingenuity and talent of the Freehold's artisans, making it a cherished destination for art enthusiasts and collectors.
  • Glimmering Trinkets: A small but captivating shop that specializes in enchanting trinkets and magical baubles. Here, one can find charms, amulets, and enchanted accessories that hold mystical properties and protective powers.

Guild Locations



The style of architecture used in the settlement of the Freehold of the Iron Gate is an eclectic mix of influences, primarily drawing inspiration from French medieval architecture but also incorporating elements from other sources. The village exudes a vibrant and lively atmosphere, as all the houses are adorned with a multitude of colors and decorative touches that set them apart from their historical counterparts.   The French medieval architecture is evident in the design of the houses, with elements such as pointed arches, decorative stone carvings, and steeply pitched roofs. However, the houses in the Freehold have been adapted to embrace a more colorful and enchanting appearance. Beams, walls, and roofs are painted in a wide array of hues, creating a kaleidoscope of colors throughout the village.   The use of locally produced colors and dyes from the Rainbow Guild further enhances the vibrant and varied palette of the settlement. This adds a unique and magical touch to the architecture, making each house a visual delight.   Intricate glassworks adorn many of the houses' windows, incorporating stained glass or colorful glass decorations. These artistic glass features add to the enchanting ambiance of the village, casting colorful patterns and hues inside the buildings when the light filters through.   Even the smaller, less ornate houses in the Freehold are no less colorful, boasting brightly colored gardens, pools, or canopies. The gardens are filled with a myriad of blooming flowers, creating a picturesque and enchanting setting for each house.
Larger houses in the Freehold are often equipped with well-furnished meeting and gathering areas, designed for festivals and social gatherings. These areas provide a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for celebrating joyous occasions in the company of friends and neighbors.


The Freehold of the Iron Gate, situated around Crystal Lake, boasts a majestic and enchanting landscape that perfectly complements the realm of magic and wonder it represents.   At the heart of the Freehold lies Crystal Lake, a stunning crystal-clear lake stretching approximately 23 miles (37 kilometers) in length. The glistening waters reflect the surrounding mountains and lush vegetation, adding an ethereal quality to the city's environment. The lake's pristine clarity creates a sense of calm and serenity, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its tranquil beauty.   The Freehold is nestled within a lush valley, embraced by the sheltering peaks of the Mountains. These majestic mountains rise dramatically, providing a sense of seclusion and protection to the city. The towering peaks, often capped with snow during the winter, add to the enchanting ambiance of the realm and reinforce its ties to the natural world.   The valley surrounding the Freehold is adorned with a rich tapestry of vibrant flora, including ancient trees, colorful wildflowers, and mystical ferns. Soft grass and moss carpet the valley floor, creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere. The abundance of flora attracts a myriad of magical creatures and serves as a sanctuary for wildlife, further enhancing the magical essence of the Freehold.   Flowing through the heart of the city is a crystal river, fed by the pristine mountain streams and glaciers of the Mountains. The gentle currents of the river add to the city's enchanting ambiance, its soothing sound blending harmoniously with the magical energies that permeate the Freehold.


The climate of the Freehold of the Iron Gate, is characterized by a temperate climate. This type of climate typically features mild temperatures with distinct seasonal changes.   During the summer months, the weather is generally warm and pleasant, with average daytime temperatures ranging from around 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F). The long days of summer provide ample sunshine, allowing the landscape to bloom with lush vegetation and colorful wildflowers. It is a popular time for visitors to explore the enchanting beauty of the Freehold and enjoy the crystal-clear waters of Crystal Lake.   In contrast, the winter season brings cooler temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average daytime temperatures during winter range from around -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F). The surrounding Mountains may receive heavier snowfall, adding to the magical charm of the landscape as the peaks become snow-capped. The winter season provides a serene and enchanting ambiance, making it a favorite time for those seeking a tranquil escape within the realm.   Spring and autumn serve as transitional seasons, with moderate temperatures and occasional rain. These seasons bring bursts of new life in the form of blossoming flowers in spring and vibrant foliage in autumn, adding to the beauty of the Freehold's natural surroundings.

Natural Resources

The Freehold has a vast amount of natural resources at their disposal. The Forests provide wood, and the mountains, stone. The lake and river are both teeming with fish and there is ample hunting. Fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers are also in abundance through the sucessful farming districts and the acquisition of hedge fruits.   "Natural Resources you say, I wish they could export a good party. This place takes every opportunity to have one, A+ would recommend. No no... A+ is a good thing. Nevermind" -Carl Carelson


  • The Freehold of the Iron Gate

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