The Autumn Haunt Building / Landmark in Odyssey Earth | World Anvil

The Autumn Haunt

The Autumn Haunt is a hidden sanctuary reserved exclusively for the members of the Autumn Court, offering them a retreat into the enigmatic embrace of solitude and contemplation. Nestled within the heart of the Freehold, this mysterious enclave serves as a refuge for those who seek introspection and inspiration amidst the tapestry of nature's transformation.   Accessible through a concealed entrance, the Autumn Haunt resides in the depths of a decaying tower. The air within carries the scent of forgotten woodlands and the earthy aroma of fallen leaves. As one descends the spiral stone staircase, a hauntingly cool ambiance envelops the surroundings, setting an ethereal tone for the experience ahead.   Emerging from the stairwell, visitors are greeted by a winding tunnel illuminated by the soft, green glow of lanterns reminiscent of overgrown moss. These lanterns cast a surreal radiance, guiding the way through the passage. The walls, hewn from rough stone, tell tales of ages past with their pockmarked surfaces and mysterious runnels, as if etched by the touch of a long-forgotten entity.   Gnarled and twisted roots snake along the walls, an intermingling of nature and architecture that seems to defy time itself. These roots, like skeletal fingers, hold steadfast to the very essence of the earth and stone, anchoring the chamber in a harmonious blend of the living and the ancient.   At the heart of the Autumn Haunt lies a serene library, a repository of knowledge and wisdom that speaks to the very essence of the Autumn Court's nature. Within its shelves reside tomes that chronicle the mysteries of the changing seasons, the beauty of decay, and the secrets of transformation. It is a place where lost souls of the Autumn Court can seek solace, inspiration, and the quiet solitudes of reflection, surrounded by the very essence of their court's essence.   The Autumn Haunt is a place of eerie beauty and contemplation, a sanctuary that reflects the enigmatic allure of the Autumn Court and its profound connection to the cycles of nature and the mysteries of existence.
Points of Interest The Autumn Haunt is a realm of captivating mysteries and hidden wonders, each corner offering a unique experience to those who venture within its eerie embrace. Here are some of its captivating points of interest:
  • The Hanging Tree: As a sentinel and protector of the Haunt, the Hanging Tree stands as a haunting centerpiece within the grotto. Its skeletal branches stretch out like dark fingers, adorned with sparse crimson leaves that contrast with the surrounding darkness. The tree's enigmatic allure is heightened by the soft, green glow emitted from ethereal nodes that lazily drift among the gnarled branches.
  • The Grotto: Beyond the initial tunnel, the Haunt opens up into a lush and vibrant grotto. Here, thorny vines twist and entwine with unforgiving foliage, creating a swamp-like atmosphere. The ambient green hue of moss blankets the surroundings, infusing the space with an otherworldly charm. It's a retreat of untamed nature, offering a sense of seclusion and tranquility.
  • Autumn's Library: Delving deeper into the Haunt, visitors will find a winding corridor illuminated by the gentle glow of green reliquaries. This leads to the heart of knowledge within the Haunt—the Autumn's Library. Rows of bookcases and tables showcase an array of tomes, inviting exploration and contemplation. Flickering lanterns and braziers cast a muted yet comforting light, creating an ideal atmosphere for reading and study.
  • Studies: Adjacent to the library, four dedicated studies provide spaces for focused work and reflection. Each study is equipped with tables, workspaces, and well-worn leather chairs, accommodating the needs of those who seek solace and inspiration within the Haunt's walls.

Purpose / Function

The Autumn Haunt is designed with the specific intention of providing a secluded and serene haven for the members of the Autumn Court. This unique building serves as a retreat that allows individuals from the Autumn Court to find solace, engage in introspection, and deepen their connection with the essence of autumn and the changing seasons.   The Haunt's primary purpose is to offer a space where members of the Autumn Court can retreat from the bustling activities of the Freehold, allowing them to recharge their spirits and immerse themselves in the tranquil ambiance of the court's thematic elements. The building's setting, hidden within a crumbling tower and surrounded by the aura of the autumnal wilderness, reflects the court's affinity for the mysteries of decay, transformation, and the cycle of life.   Furthermore, the Autumn Haunt acts as a repository of knowledge and reflection. Its library holds a collection of texts and resources that delve into the deeper aspects of autumn, nature, and the magical currents that flow through the Freehold. Members of the Autumn Court can engage in research, study ancient texts, and seek inspiration from the profound insights contained within these pages.


The walls of the Autumn Haunt are constructed from rough-hewn stone, chosen for its durability and ability to evoke a sense of ancient, untouched beauty. The stones are carefully selected to complement the natural surroundings and to create an impression of harmonious integration with the environment. The stone walls exude an air of mystique and resilience, standing as a testament to the passage of time.   The adornments of the Autumn Haunt are inspired by the changing seasons and the mystical energies that permeate the Autumn Court. As visitors descend the spiraling stone steps leading to the Haunt's basement recesses, they are greeted by the soft glow of green lanterns. These lanterns cast a gentle, mossy light that guides the way through a winding tunnel.   Along the tunnel's rough-hewn walls, one can observe intricate runnels and markings, suggesting the presence of ancient beings that once traversed these passages. Twisted and gnarled roots, reminiscent of darkened skeletal fingers, reach out from the walls, creating an otherworldly and slightly eerie atmosphere.   The overall aesthetic is one of faded grandeur, where the beauty of decay and transformation is celebrated. The adornments pay homage to the raw beauty of nature and the mysterious forces that shape the world, inviting visitors to explore the enigmatic depths of the Autumn Haunt and connect with the essence of the Autumn Court.


The defenses of the Autumn Haunt are intricately intertwined with its eerie and foreboding ambiance, serving as both a deterrent to unwelcome visitors and a guardian of the secrets within. The tower itself stands as a daunting barrier, exuding an aura of mystery and unease that naturally dissuades the faint of heart from venturing further. Its very presence serves as a psychological defense, discouraging all but the most determined from entering its depths.   For those who manage to breach the tower's threshold without proper invitation, the Hanging Tree stands as a formidable and uncanny guardian. To the members of the Autumn Court, this tree is a part of the natural surroundings, and its passive demeanor reflects the court's connection to the cycle of life and death. However, to those with malicious intent, the Hanging Tree transforms into a fearsome entity.   The Hanging Tree's long, lash-like vines become animated and act as sentinels, swiftly seizing intruders and ensnaring them in its branches. Its eerie ability to manipulate its environment, coupled with the allure of the glowing motes of light that call the tree home, makes it a master of deception. These motes of light possess an uncanny ability to entice and lead the unsuspecting closer to the tree, where the vines lie in wait to ensnare their prey.   In this way, the defenses of the Autumn Haunt are cunningly designed to play upon the fears and vulnerabilities of those who would dare to trespass with malicious intent. The combination of psychological intimidation, the haunting presence of the Hanging Tree, and the beguiling allure of the glowing motes collectively create a multi-faceted defense that safeguards the sanctity of the Autumn Court's retreat.
The Autumn Haunt
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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