Furiam Geographic Location in Oa | World Anvil


The mid-sized moon orbiting Oa, Furiam is a volcanically and tectonically active moon. It has an orange tinge that can skew red in particularly turbulent volcanic periods. Those periods are unpredictable. Gnomish astronomers suspect that the activity on Furiam is caused by tidal heating in its molten inner core as a result of its location between the gravity wells of the larger bodies of Oa and its sister moon Regni Because of its relative proximity to Oa, it appears to be the same size as Regni in the night sky.  


  Furiam is Oa's slowest-orbiting moon, gone for more than a month at a time in the sky before rising again. It has a 40-day orbit period.  

Cultural Interpretations

  Furiam has violent explosions and a threatening visual effect. It occasionally seems to be on fire where large eruptions result in sulfur and sulfur dioxide plumes tailing the moon in its weak gravity; or dripping in deep crimson blood when atmospheric ash dulls Furiam's light spectrum down to near-infrared. As a result, most cultures associate Furiam with fear, danger and violence. It is often mythologically associated with fire, fathers, war and death. Famously, Orcish culture differs from the norm in associating placid Regni with negative attributes like treachery and pride. One might think this would mean that they would consider Furiam the "good" moon, representing bravery and valor. Nope. Also bad. None of the moons are good news to the Orcs, though they are pretty ambivalent about Oko, which they do not consider a 'moon' (asora) in their language, referring to it instead just as asakuk: "sky rock".
Planetoid / Moon


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