Green Djone

The green djone is a small carnivorous plant found in the Dark Lands. Although not directly useful as an ingredient in any known magic concoction (nor local dish), alńe make ample use of it as a lure for beetle-eaters, a small wasp that helps getting rid of parasites.

Basic Information


The djone leaves start from the stem as they do in any plant, but then they divide in two mobile halves hinged together, whose inner side contain a sugary nectar that attracts insects and a sticky substance that stucks them in place when they land. The two halves of the trap snap quite faster than those of other simliar plants, and after a while, if the insect keeps moving, seal to digest it. The waiting is important to avoid accidentally closing on random undigestable material. Some alńe keep a liquid mixed from extracts of other plants and fruits that they can be used to force the traps to shut on dead insects.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The alńe are often expert botanists when it comes to choose their garden plants and the interactions between them: they know sinergies and contraindications. One of their most useful plants are the red lilies, used for many concoctions; one of the weak-points of the lilies is a species of beetles that use it to feed their larvae; and one of the weaknesses of these beetles are the beetle eater, a species of wasp that loves the green djone's nectar. The alńe plant the djone for the sole purpose of attracting the wasp: they carefully remove some nectar from the carnivorous trap and spread it around the garden, even on other plants, in order to attract the wasp as far as possible from the djone. Some of them even go as far as catching insects and feeding them to the plant as to ensure that its trap remains closed as long as they do not need the nectar.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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Aug 4, 2023 20:09 by Deleyna Marr

I love the creativity in this article and the way the farmers have learned to use it.

Aug 7, 2023 16:32 by Daniele Salierno

Thank you for reading!