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Exorcisms are an unfortunate necessity around the world, and handled according to local concepts of the soul and the invasive spirts.   Many of the cultures of Qevrun and Xohura believe that the health of the body and the soul can be understood and disorders treated, and that, ideally, the body and mind are treated in parallel. Exorcisms are part of reoutine healthcare, and performed by qualified doctors, called hypnologists, who specialise in disorders of the incorporeal souls. Exorcisms are performed in therapeutic settings, with a course of reparative physiotherapy and - especially in Xohura - psychotherapy to rebuild the shattered soul matrix.   Ophoné, Xohura leads the world in the healthcare of the mind, and Ophonéan hypnologists have established a treatment for possession that emphasises the mind and addressing the patient's mental state. There is significant overlap between Ophonéan and Xohuran hypnologists, though the Ophonéans are more likely to treat a patient at home.   In North and South Erwa, exorcisms are a religious matter and are performed by a member of the clergy. Some religions, like the Temple of the Smith, allow any priest to perfrom an exorcism, while others elevate the rites of exorcism to the realm of Mysteries.   In Aeho'ai, exorcisms are a community issue. The nature of the soul matrix and the Aeho'aiwae emphasis on community over individuality means that social intervations are more effective here than in more individualist cultures.   In Iasteron, ghosts and demons are considered vermin and exorcisms are performed by exorcists who are neither medical nor clergy, but more akin to Erwa's Ratcatchers. Here, the invasive spirit is a parasite, separate to the afflicted individual, which neneds to be removed and eliminated. Exorcists are trained to take the spirit into their own bodies and contain it. Exorcists are not welcomed, but often reside in neighbourhoods with other purveyors of undesirable services. The death, especially the unexpected death, of an Iasteroni exorcist is a cause for great concern as the malign spirits they had controlled are now able to escape and afflict the living.

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Cover image: by Sergiu Vălenaș


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Aug 5, 2024 02:16 by Sam

Great job differentiating the profession across your different cultures!