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Kecken Kas Genkata

Kecken Kas Genkata (a.k.a. Keck)

“Ah, tired I see. Do not fret, I will be back momentarily with smooth stone beds and some warm tea. Just don’t mind the noise!”
— Kecken Kas Genkata

General Info


Known for his hulking stature yet kind and motherly heart, Kecken is a valued member of the Menkai Mori Guild (MMG) ; a Guild focused on friendly relations with different races in NOVUS. Together, alongside his treasured companions Misha, Yuusen, Gobo and Lina, Kecken strides to create a world where everyone, regardless of culture, can live in peace.


His main role within MMG, is a healer, diplomat and intimidation when needed. Despite his muscular appearance, he focuses his talents around alchemy and medical knowledge; using it to help others understand that just because you are born a certain way, it doesn’t mean you are locked into a role. He values passion and hard work, and strives to ignite that passion in others, even outside of his own companions. As Kecken can come off as scary, he often tries to make himself smaller by bending forward and changing his voice. Whilst he may try to seem more meek and in his own words, “cute”, unfortunately as a Gemmen, Kecken struggles with how people perceive him and often relies on his allies to calm down otherwise dangerous situations. He has absurd strength, yet doesn’t flaunt it. Rather he uses this strength in unconventional ways; such as carrying his entire group on his shoulders over tough terrain, and bashing in a boulder with his fists so a companion could have a comfortable place to sit after a long day. Whilst he does have a more naturally violent side as all Gemmen do, Kecken takes extra measure not to frighten others and is constantly aware of how he is perceived. This side only slips out when he’s very passionate.


He is a people please to a fault however, and is the type to apologise to a kidnapper for being a bother. As much as his friends need him for support, healing and "Kecken motherly instincts” as his friends call it, Kecken needs them to back him up and help him out of dubious circumstances.

by DaxThinksNot

Assisting His Team


Kecken functions as the pack mule of his team, often not just carries supplies, but teammates themselves. He is always the last to resort to violence and is forefront in all diplomacy and discussions with strangers. Whilst he is the last to fight, he is a powerhouse and is known to act as a meat shield for his allies.

“No — don’t flirt with me! I won’t cheat on my future spouse!!”
— Kecken Kas Genkata

Team Interactions


  • Misha was the first person Kecken could call a friend outside of his home. He relies on her a great deal and treats her with the upmost respect and loyalty.
  • As Misha is afraid of lightning, Kecken always ensures any structure they stay in would be safe and cozy, so if a storm where to hit, Misha could feel comfortable. He is known to hollow out small caves to achieve this.
  • Misha found herself in a sea of people, unable to look over the many silhouettes.   “Ahhh I can’t see!”   Without hesitation Kecken picked her up, placing her carefully on his shoulders.   “Kecken, without you I’d be blind and daft!”   A light blush and soft smile grew on Keckens face.


  • Yuusen and Kecken appear have a mild distain for each other, where no matter how kind Kecken tries to be, Yuusen seems as cold and quiet as ever. Despite how it may come across, Yuusen is actually very shy and timid, and truly cares for Kecken even if he struggles to show it.
  • Whilst Kecken doesn’t understand why Yuusen is so cold towards him, he always remembers his favourite tea, and will warm up a cup every morning for Yuusen.
  • Kecken made his way to Yuusen, carefully prepared tea in hand.   “Yuusen come, I made you some tea.”   “…”   He slowly handed the tea over.   “Mmmm it’s your favourite I hope it’s ok…”   Yuusen took one sip, a slight light flashing in his eyes before quickly fading.   “…It’s not disgusting I guess…”   A quiet reply, but an important one. Kecken teared up.   “Ahhh Yuusen, oh my goodness that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me.”


  • Gobo looks up to Kecken like a dad, and is his number 1 fan. Regardless of what antics Kecken gets up to, Gobo is always close by, and ready to add to the chaos.
  • He is known to knit with Kecken in the later hours, train with him in the early mornings and help him with meal prep for the day.
  • Gobo climbed upon Keckens shoulder, looking down with a proud expression.   “BIG BRO KECK QUICKLY!”   Kecken turned around.   “Yes Gobo?!”   “THROW ME!”   Keckens eyes lit up, excitedly readying the most optimal of throwing positions.   “WITH ALL MY STRENGTH JUST POINT THE WAY MY FRIEND!”   He grabbed Gobo like a ball and hurled him as accurately as he could in the direction of his friends pointed finger.   “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”


  • Lina has a massive crush on Kecken, though as Kecken is quite naive in the ways of romance he never catches on, even if she directly professes her love for him. He frequently compliments her muscles (which is partially the reason why she fall for him) and spars with her.
  • As Lina is the main fighter of the group, Kecken relies on her to stop physical disputes and as she is a monk, she is able to end fights without killing anyone (something Kecken can struggle with as he has limited control over his extreme strength).
  • Lina looked up at Kecken, a forever kind expression resting on his face. Lina was shocked that someone such as her; the colossal “Monster Fox” would ever have an expression besides fear in her presence. She asked;   “But don't you find my height strange and scary?"   Kecken simply replied,   "Oh? But you're quite short and cute for my people."   Lina was taken aback, this was the first time someone complimented her like a woman.   "C-C-CUTE??"
    One of the MMG adventurering groups
    by DaxThinksNot

    What’s in Keck’s Bag?


    Within his bag he has a wide assortment of items; from medical herbs, to potions and knitting materials. He always carries extra chamomile tea leaves in the case of a friend becoming stressed, and is known for making little snack boxes if his friends were to go on a journey away from the group. He always has a small knitted doll on his person so if he ever met a frightened child, he could soothe their stress with a toy.

  • Herbs
  • Potions
  • Salves
  • Cloth
  • Snacks
  • Tea
  • Rope
  • Tools
  • Knitted Doll
  • Knitting Materials
  • Repair Kit
  • Assorted Supplies
  • “Hells yes, that guy looks sturdy. Off to go greet him, be back in a few.”
    — Kecken when encountering another travelling Gemmen.



    Kecken grew up in the Red Desert alongside his clan; Tribe Genkata. As a “Kas” (meaning solider in Th’ahmin language), his family where expected to be strong and well trained; acting as regular citizens until the time came that they where called to war. He was raised to be a medical solider; to balance healing and fighting. As this time was considered peaceful, the Kas had little to do and often found themselves becoming adventurers or other guild members, which was what Kecken did as a young adult. Joining the Adventurers Guild in the Red Desert(known as the Sen’sakas) Kecken immersed himself in the ways of the “Sen” (Adventures) and soon desired to visit other countries and assist other guilds.


    Leaving by himself, he travelled north to the country of Narvaie, a multicultural society that was dominated by human culture. There he quickly found himself in a lot of trouble. As it was common to show friendship and respect via fist fighting as a greeting in Gemmen culture, Kecken often accidentally caused fights that would last longer than a “greeting”. He was used to displaying his muscles and wearing little clothing, as well as being rough and harsh with his words. He did not understand the intricacies of human culture and often defaulted to the brutish direct approach of the Gemmen. This resulted in him growing a savage reputation, and soon he was refused jobs, looked down on and ostracised. Whilst he left to venture alone, he did not believe he would end up lonely, and soon he became bitter and hateful to the people around him. He believed that since people thought him savage because of his culture and race he would be that savage. He used his strength to bully others, his appearance to inspire fear. He became less of a bodyguard and more of a killer, using his fists more than his medicinal knowledge; as no brute could know of medicine right? The more he hurt others, the more he hurt himself. 


    One day, after an immense battle, Kecken returned to the guild with a bounty for the reward. Using the funds from that mark, he sat alone “celebrating” another win. He heard whispers of fear around him, and a sort of respect, but their words only disgusted him. That was until a small girl approached him. This was Misha, a half elf who seemed to be a mage. Instead of fearing Kecken, she looked him deep in the eyes. “OH MY! You must be Gemmen right? I can tell!” She said with immense excitement. Expecting some kind of rude remark or racist insult, Kecken simply ignored her. That was until she said a few simple words; 

      “I had heard of your extraordinary medicinal knowledge!”

    Kecken immediately grew excited and dropped his “Gemmen” facade, and for the first time felt he could be himself. For the next few days, Kecken taught Misha about Gemmen medicine, and shared his love of his culture. Through Misha he learned that the world was a more complex place, and whilst it was good to be proud of who he is, it is important to understand how others feel. He should never change himself, but should also be mindful of how frightening he could appear. Through Misha, he joined MMG and vowed to help others understand each other. Whilst he has significantly calmed down his more violent side, he always aims to be true to himself, and in circumstances where he can full face “greet” others, he will never hold back. Ever since joining the guild, Kecken has in a way done a complete 180 of his spiteful past, now choosing to be more kind and free flowing to a fault. Whilst he is aware this can and will get him into danger, he is confidant in himself and more importantly his friends to get him out of any bad situation. 



  • Despite the fact that Kecken displays his body freely, he is easily embarrassed in a romantic sense, and can’t handle compliments very well. As Gemmen marry for life he takes romance in any sense extremely seriously.
  • Kecken cannot swim and is afraid of whirlpools.
  • Relationships

    Kecken Kas Genkata

    Party Member, Friend (Vital)

    Towards Misha Faejorhn



    Misha Faejorhn

    Party Leader, Friend (Important)

    Towards Kecken Kas Genkata



    Kecken Kas Genkata

    Party Member, Friend (Important)

    Towards Yuusen Hakuro



    Yuusen Hakuro

    Party Member, Friend (Important)

    Towards Kecken Kas Genkata



    Kecken Kas Genkata

    Party Member, Friend (Important)

    Towards Lina




    Party Member, Friend (Vital)

    Towards Kecken Kas Genkata



    Kecken Kas Genkata

    Party Member, Friend (Important)

    Towards Gobo The Green



    Gobo The Green

    Party Member, Friend (Important)

    Towards Kecken Kas Genkata



    Chaotic Good
    Current Location
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

    Th’ahmin, Common

    Chest Tattoo
    Arm Tattoo (both sides)
    Groin Tattoo
    Back Tattoo

    Party Members



    Please Login in order to comment!
    Sep 7, 2023 20:00

    So hot and can't swim... what a shame... no, no simping here... well, whatever, great article :D

    You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
    Sep 17, 2023 17:43 by Tillerz

    :-o That's amazing.

    Sep 19, 2023 16:08

    Great drawings and interesting character that you wouldn't think of healing and alchemy when you see them. Do his tattoos have a special meaning?

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
    Sep 21, 2023 06:57

    Yes! His tattoos are actually ancient slave markings from when his race was enslaved many thousands of years ago! He views them as a point of pride however, and added the arm tattoos to match his "birth" tattoos! To him they represent the closeness of family as well as being apart of a large community you must protect and serve

    Sep 21, 2023 13:31

    Thank you, for your explanation.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.