Alraml (English) Organization in Nova Babylon | World Anvil
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Alraml (English)




The Alraml family was one of the five noble families and part of the Catian's Pride . As with all noble families they lived near the Catian's Pride. Although there were part of the pride there was never an Alraml king.

Prince Haza

"The king is dead!" A Catian man ran shouted through the streets of Adra Kula.
  Prince Haza looked at his brother. "Did you hear that, brother?" Haza asked.
  His brother nodded. "You would have to be deaf to not hear that." Haza rubbed his hands, this was the moment he was waiting for. Maybe it was finally time to have an Alraml king on the throne.
  His brother stood up and laid a hand on Haza's shoulder. "You have done much since you took our fathers title. You are even to marry the old king's daughter. There is no doubt that you have a strong claim." Haza nodded and walked with his brother out of the sandstone house.
  The Catian's Pride was filled with the members of the five noble families. Haza saw his betrothed and he went to her. "Armara?" She looked up. Her blue eyes were dry, but there was evidence of grief. "I am sorry for your loss." He bowed his head, but, when he looked up, he saw that her head was tilted. He took a step back. Was something wrong? Before he could ask, Prince Hoga, the brother of the late king, called the meeting to take place. Haza walked towards his brother, who was looking at Hoga.
  "I was with the king when he drew his last breath. It was his wish that Prince Rem Rwor take the throne." Hoga started. Haza looked to Rem, who nodded.
  "If that was our late king's wish, who am I to refuse?" Rem replied.
  Haza stepped forward. "Wait a minute. This is going against tradition. All the families need to vote for the next king."
  Hoga looked angrily at him. "If there was a voting, you wouldn't get the crown, Alraml!" Haza looked to the other Princes.
  "Why not, Prince Hoga? I'm a prince like you. I have done my duties like the others and, when Armara and I got betrothed and the king became sick, I took on even more duties. So why would I not have a chance to become king?"
  Hoga opened his mouth and closed it again. White fire burned in his eyes. "You took those duties on because of your own ambition. Prince Rem will become king and that is that." Hoga walked towards Haza. "And Armara is no longer your betrothed. My niece is going to marry Rem as well."
  "I will not marry Rem, Uncle!" Armara walked towards them. "I am betrothed to Haza."
  "Shut your mouth, Armara. You will do as I say." Hoga pushed Armara so hard, she fell.
  Haza's body filled with rage and his sight went red. "Haza, try to control yourself." The voice of Armara almost didn't reach him, but it was already too late. His body turned into the form of a white lion.
  "Haza!" He opened his eyes. His hands were covered in blood. Armara sat in a puddle of blood, her clothing soaked. Next to her lay the body of Prince Hoga.
— Excerpt from Blood on white sand



Haza stood on the Suqnad Square, ready to be beheaded. Bameir Alraml shook his head. This was all because his brother lost control. He was not wrong. It was not fair to him or the rest of the Alraml family that he didn't get a proper vote. It was not fair that his engagement to Armara was broken all because Hoga didn't like Haza.
  Rem Rwor, the new king, appeared next to Haza, Armara by his side.
  "Catians, I know some of you are thinking that this man had every right to lose control. He was not permitted to have a fair claim to the throne. His engagement with Prince Armara ended. I agree he had every right to be mad." Rem's voice was loud and clear.
  Bameir rolled with his eyes, pretty words for someone who has it all.
  "But that is not the reason that we are here today! We are here because this man killed a fellow Catian. He killed him in our sacred Catian's Pride. That is why we are here today."
  The executioner raised the Khopesh. Haza was pushed to his knees. Bameir looked away when the Khopesh came down.
  "Bameir Alraml, because your brother was a prince when he committed his crime, I am sorry to say that I have no other choice than to revoke the noble status of your family," said Rem.
  Bameir looked at him. He could not do that.
  "You are willing to punish a whole family for one man's crime?" It was not Bameir's voice that rang over the Square. It was Armara's. Rem looked at her in shock. "You know that if everything went according to tradition, you wouldn't wear the crown. Hoga would have lived and so would Haza." Armara walked away from Rem towards the Alraml family, Bameir nodded.
  Rem was furious.
  "Armara come back here!" She simply shook her head. This was her place. This was her family.
  Rem balled his fists. "Very well then. I hereby banish the Alraml family from Adra Kula, from this day until the white sun doesn't shine anymore!" Rem pointed his finger at Armara. "And you can join them."
  Bameir packed his bag. His wife and kittens walked towards him. "Husband, where do we go? This is our home." his wife asked. He took his wife's hand.
  "We go to Banilun." Armara walked into the house. "The Catians there are very welcoming. It is close to a child of the Banuri." Armara continues.
  Bameir knew the place and nodded. There his family would flourish.
  The whole family walked towards the city gates. Multiple Catians stood there to watch them leave. Some with rotten vegetables in their hands, ready to throw.
  "Be gone with you corrupted cats!"
  The first vegetables flown through the air. One landed on Armara, who walked on until she was through the gate. Turning her head, "Wadea iba. Goodbye, father."
  Bameir followed her example.
  "Wadea ahik. Goodbye, brother."
— Excerpt from Blood on white sand



  The Alraml family landed in Banuli after seven white suns of travel. A few villagers came out of their homes and ran towards them.
  "Be welcome in Banuli." An Elder Catian bowed slightly his head, Bameir and Armara did the same. It was Aramara's idea to send one of the kittens a head to warn the village. The Elder looked at the family. "I'm afraid I underestimated the size of your family Prince Alraml."
  "I am no longer a prince, the fals king took that away from me before he banised us." said Bameir it was difficult to controle his anger. The elder nodded.
  "Well let us give you something to drink and eat, then some of the man can help me and my brother to put up some more tents." The voice of the elder creaked a little. Armara nodded. "That sounds like a plan Elder."
— Excerpt from Blood on white sand


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Abmar Ahyad

Alternative Names
The White Lion
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization

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