Alqitat Sida english Organization in Nova Babylon | World Anvil
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Alqitat Sida english

They appear like a sand storm waving their flag of stolen cotton in the dry wind. The blood-red Elpheanix gemstones, that adorn White Lion's teeth and eyes shine so brightly that they can burn through you.
  When you see their banner it is too late, Catian blood will flow liberally over the white sand.




: Al ke tat


: Zeda.


It stands for Corrupt Cats.


After the Almarl family were banned from Adra Kula and to Banilun, They founded the Alqitat Sida to thwart the Catian's Pride.
"Corrupt Cats, that is what they call us!" Shama Almarl shouted loud enough for the whole village to hear. The fifteen-year-old female looked at her father. He could see the red flames in her eyes, the same flame that burned in his heart. The Catian's Pride has taken their honor and he wanted it back.
  "What if we are?" he said out loud. His daughter looked at him.
  "Father?" She started, but he raised his hand.
  "What if we are corrupted?" he continued. Looking straight into her eyes. "They already call us that, so there is no need to disappoint them." he went on, his daughter nodded.
  "Alqistat Sida."
  Now he nodded, that sounded good. "Alqistat Sida."
— Excerpt from Blood on white sand



The goal is to regain the throne in the Catian's Pride through any means possible.

How they fight

The members of the Alqitat fight with a Khopesh. The blade of the sword is bloodred Elpheanix. Every member has two, if they lose them, they will turn into their cat form.


Further relationship with other Catians

Catians see this organization as a criminal group. If a Catian joins, they are pronounced dead.
Robin's gaze went with Saladin's. Several clouds of dust seemed to rise. “Is that a sandstorm?” She asked. Saladin shook his head. "Aliqitat Sadi!" Immediately the village started to move. Women pulled the kittens into their homes. Robin heard heavy objects pushed in front of the doors. "Hood, hide in one of the houses!" Saladin called. Robin shook her head. She may not know what was going on, but she will not hide. "Give me a weapon, I can fight!" Saladin nodding as he turned to Amsan. "Deljou, give her a bow and several arrows."
— Excerpt of Flamming Arrow.

Abmar Ahyad

White Red
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
Corrupt Cats
The white Lions
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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