The Abysmal Canyon Geographic Location in Nostvary | World Anvil

The Abysmal Canyon

Trolls are misunderstood creatures, labelled as monsters and hunted by soldiers or the foolhardy desperate to make a name for themselves. They have been driven from all the civilised corners of the world, forced to live in the deep valleys, isolated from each other. Lonely lives for such ancient creatures. But there is one place where trolls are left in peace and allowed to follow their natural urges, the Abysmal Canyon.   The Canyon stretches from what many think of as the centre of Nostvary, the mountain known as the Heaven's Spire, all the way to the Garen Sea. Waggons trundle along the well worn roads escorted by dwarven warriors that eye the caves and waterfalls wary of the trolls but attacks are rare. The dwarves have learnt that trolls if left alone are quite content to let them cross their territory. A fact that the thousands of pilgrims that walk the path are grateful for.   The only recorded casualties from troll attack have been because some pilgrim ignored their guide and went for a swim in one the many pools.


The Intraana Mountain range blocks any rain clouds from reaching the south leaving the land parched but the Canyon has its own sources. Subterranean rivers fed by snow melt in the mountains break through into the Canyon creating regular waterfalls along the northern flank.


The Heaven's Spire is one if the holiest sights in all of Nostvary.  From its summit an order of dwarven priests observe the halls of the gods. For generations the guarded the secret if the mountain refusing to let any nondwarf approach its base but part when they were negotiating for membership of the empire they were forced to relent. Ever since then citizens of the empire have been able to undertake the journey and climb the mountain. Only a select few are allowed to the summit but all report that traversing the canyon was the greatest reward. Walking for a week among the rocks leaves the pilgrims with a self of self that lasts long after they return to their ordinary lives. For those lucky enough to witness a troll and survive it can leave them changed.
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Cover image: by DALL-E-3


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