Eikholt Crownlands Geographic Location in Norchnaviður, the Heathen Realm | World Anvil
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Eikholt Crownlands

The Eikholt Crownlands stand as the "Jewel of the North". This kingdom, ruled by the Norndrathi, stands as a testiment to their resilience and ability to adapt. Though it's official seat of power is in the capital of Eikholr, it's true power lies in it's many provinces, ruled by Jarls. Power in this region is found in alliances and bonds forged between various familys of the those ruling these provinces.   Though much of Norchnaviður is directly connected to the Feywilds, Isdríftr, and especially Eikholt, serves as a nexus of this connection. This connection allows for many unique goods to be produced, and those seeking to study or connect with the Fey often travel here for pilgrimage.  

Important Provinces and Places

The capital province of the Crownlands, serving as a major economic hub and a gathering point for diplomats and traveling nobles. It is the richest of Eikholt's provinces and holds the largest deposits of Lumithril.   Grønnmark
The agricultural center for the Crownlands, responsible for exporting and growing most of its food. It is one of the lesser provinces in terms of military might but holds several pacts and treaties ensuring its neutrality and protection.   Jernmarsk
By far the strongest military province in Eikholt, boasting a well-trained and well-equipped standing army. Its ruling house constantly seeks to expand their influence, both through territory and alliances.   Lesser Provinces
Although most of Eikholts power is centered around its three major provinces, several lesser and smaller ones help to bolster the region, forming their own alliances and ties to other houses.
Important Provinces
Alternative Name(s)
Eikholt, The Crownlands
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