Norndrathi Human Species in Norchnaviður, the Heathen Realm | World Anvil
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Norndrathi Human

The resilient Norndrathi stand as the backbone of Norchnaviður, a lineage of humans whose remarkable adaptability defines their essence.
  Shaped by the harsh crucible of their upbringing, these versatile individuals bear the indelible marks of their environment, both physically and culturally.
  Their origins, intertwined with the varied landscapes of Norchnaviður, further refine and sculpt their character, forging a people as diverse as the land itself.

Biological traits

Age and Lifespan

With the enduring enchantment of Norchnaviður's mystical energies, humans have undergone a remarkable transformation in their lifespans. Marked by relatively low birthrates, their lives now span centuries.
  Most Norndrathi reach adulthood between 25 and 35, embarking on a journey that can extend for 200 to 250 years.
  As such they enjoy ample time to wander, passionately pursue their desires, and weave intricate bonds. Within this expanse, the transfer of knowledge and tales transcends the ordinary, allowing for a meticulous recording that captures the essence of every detail.

Size and Weight

The noble stature of male Norndrathi unfolds gracefully within the range of 1.65 meters (5'5'') to 1.95 meters (6'5''), with a rare few venturing beyond these boundaries. Distinct variations in height may be influenced by the diverse origins of each Norndrathi.
  In matters of weight, the spectrum is as broad as the lands they tread. Most males find equilibrium between approximately 63 kilograms (139 pounds) at the lower end, while the mightiest among them command a presence at around 137 kilograms (302 pounds).
  As for their female counterparts, a subtle delicacy graces their stature, with a slight reduction in both height and weight on average.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

In the vibrant tapestry of Norndrathi culture, the art of tattoos weaves a common thread, a symbolic expression etched into the skin. This ancient tradition transcends mere body art, often serving as a sacred rite of passage as Norndrathi individuals step into the threshold of adulthood. The intricate designs that grace their bodies are not arbitrary; rather, they are a testament to the rich diversity of Norndrathi cultures, each telling a unique story of connection to the land. From the crashing waves of the coast to the soaring peaks of the highlands, these tattoos speak a language of nature, etching the essence of their origin onto the canvas of flesh.
Ability Score Increase
An ability score of your choice increases by 2 and another ability score of your choice increases by 1.   Size and Type
Your size is medium. Your type is humanoid.   Speed
Your base walking speed is 9 m / 30 ft   Skill Versatility
You gain proficiency in 1 skill of your choice.   Natural Adaptability
You have advantage Intelligence (Nature) checks related to your native biome.
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Articles under Norndrathi Human


Nordrathi Human

The resilient Norndrathi, hailing from the diverse lands of Norchnaviður, are marked by their adaptability and endurance. With lifespans spanning centuries, they embark on journeys of exploration and connection. Their noble stature varies, reflecting their diverse origins. Norndrathi culture is rich with traditions, including the sacred art of tattoos, which symbolize their connection to the land and serve as a rite of passage into adulthood.
ability score increase: When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1. You cannot raise any ability score above 20.
age: In most cultures, Norndrathi reach adulthood between their mid-twenties and mid-thirties. They typically live for 200 to 250 years.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
sub races:

race features:
Creature Type: Humanoid.   Skill Versatility: You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.   Natural Adaptability You have advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks related to your native biome.   Subraces/Origins Frostpine

The Frostpine Norndrathi, denizens of the lush forests of Norchnaviður, embody resilience and community spirit. With sturdy builds and balanced physiques, they harmonize with their woodland home. Raised in close-knit villages, they prioritize cooperation and communal well-being. Adorning themselves with intricately carved talismans and tattoos, they express their deep connection to nature and tradition.   Wild Resilience:
You have advantage on saving throws against disease, and you have resistance to Poison damage.   Forest Veil:
You have advantage on Stealth checks while in forested areas or when otherwise surrounded by trees.

Icebound Norndrathi, resilient denizens of the arctic and tundra, embody endurance and familial unity. Their robust physique and practical mindset reflect the harsh realities of their icy domain. Nomadic by nature, they forge bonds through shared survival and pragmatic alliances. Adorned with talismans crafted from ice and dice symbolizing camaraderie, they carry echoes of their homeland.   Winter's Endurance:
You have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion caused by cold weather, and you have resistance to cold damage.
  Sure Footed:
You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws to avoid falling prone from slipping on ice or grease. Additionally, your movement is not reduced when walking on slippery surfaces like ice or grease.

Highland Norndrathi, stalwart guardians of tradition amidst rugged peaks, embody strength and familial allegiance. Towering figures, they carry the weight of their mountainous heritage with robust frames and enduring bonds.   Ability Score Increase:
Your Constitution score increases by 1.   Altitude Resilience
You gain proficiency in Athletics or Acrobatics, and have advantage on saving throws against altitude-related effects.

Brineborn Norndrathi, resilient inhabitants of coastal shores, embody diversity and seafaring prowess. With settlements ranging from bustling ports to vibrant marketplaces, they thrive in the dynamic tapestry of seaside life. Agile and toned, they navigate land and sea effortlessly, carrying fishing equipment and charms adorned with runic engravings for luck and protection.   Ability Score Increase:
Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Waveborn Fortitude:
You may hold your breath for an additional 2 minutes, and your swim speed is doubled.   Mariners Prowess:
You are proficient with Navigator's Tools and Fishing Tools, and can see through magic and non-magic fog and mist up 30 feet.

Dunewarden Norndrathi, inhabitants of harsh desert realms, exhibit unparalleled resilience and endurance as they navigate the arid landscapes of the realm. Nomadic by nature, they form dynamic bands to traverse the deserts in search of treasures and resources, carrying pouches of desert herbs and personalized waterskins as vital companions.   Desert Nomad:
You have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion caused by extreme heat, and you have resistance to fire damage.   Sandstrider:
Your base movement speed is increased by 5 feet, and your movement speed is unaffected by difficult terrain due to sand or loose ground.


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