The Eyes of Dahlia Military Formation in Nora | World Anvil

The Eyes of Dahlia

Eyes for the Blind
    A High Priestess of Dahlia is blinded at her time of coronation as to create a stronger connection with the blind goddess herself. If truly chosen by the goddess, they will receive a blessing of divine sight from the goddess to help them traverse the temple and witness those who come into close range of them. Outside of their limited true sight though, they remain completely blind. It is in this area that the elite security force known as The Eyes of Dahlia have jurisdiction.   Also known simply as The Eyes by residents of Nioyaathep, they are a well-renowned group of assassins dedicated to the protection of the High Priestess. Being chosen to become an Eye is one of the highest honors for a Dahlen warrior. Those individuals in the public eye are rarely chosen, however. The Eyes are a secretive group, and the best members are never seen by the public eye. Thus, they are most often chosen from private assassin cells throughout the nation. Any knowledge of the individual Eyes and their powers could reveal a potential weakness, for which there is no room for among their organization.   After being chosen to become an Eye of Dahlia, they will serve either for a period of fifty years or until the death of their designated Priestess. Should the Priestess die of natural causes, they will be release from their service. Should they fail in their duty of protecting her from any threats to her life, they are expected to follow her either through execution or suicide. Thus their entire purpose for existence after being chosen is to protect their Priestess. Power struggles are frequent in Dahlen society, and with religious positions at the top of the social pyramid, assassination attempts on various priestesses are commonplace. Forces outside of Nioyaathep may also make attempts on their lives, if only to add to the power struggle in the country.    The Eyes themselves are widely varied, both in abilities and armaments, each tailored to their own unique styles. One key trait of an Eye is that they almost always have the well pronounced serpentine features that can arise in Dahlen. Whether this is having the lower body or head of a cobra or being completely covered in scales, they will often have very prominent traits that mark gifted Dahlen in their society.
Multiple Sects of Eyes
  Every major city in Nioyaathep has it's own High Priestess of Dahlia and therefore it's own Eyes of Dahlia. The number of Eyes will vary depending on the city and it's importance. The High Priestess in Saemoy, for example, will have a pair of Eyes guarding her, while the High Priestess of Bakison is rumored to have seven.


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