The City of Ylore Myth in Nor | World Anvil

The City of Ylore

Ylore is said to be a great ancient city that predates even the Elven migration to Nor. A city made of blue glass, with spiraling towers and advanced magic. It is said every resident of Ylore could perform powerful feats of magic, or had powerful Psionic talents. They had Carriages that could fly in the air medicines that could cure any ailment, and weapons that could destroy nations.

Their rulers were benevolent and allowed every person to learn and reach their full potential. There was no strife in Ylore. It was a paradise. The people of Ylore looked at Nor as a primitive place. and tried to stay segregates from the rest of the planets inhabitants. When the Elves arrived, they made no effort to contact them, if they were even aware of their existence. They ignored the Ak' Halarwhen they came to Nor, and brought humanity to the East. However, when the Grodan arrived, those who would one day be called Runemasters, the people of Ylore saw the great potential for violence in them, and it was then they decided they needed to hide themselves away.

The residents of Ylore put their city under a powerful enchantment. Not only did they make it completely undetectable, but fearing the magical affinity of the Runemasters, they also made it so the city would move locations every few days. This kept the knowledge of Ylore a secret from the runemaster, and others who came after, like the Praxite.
    No one knows where the people of Ylore came from. It is believed that they are human in appearance, but they are not believed to have evolved form the Humans of Nor. The city itself was said to be made a substance that has never been seen on Nor, so most people believe that they must have come from another plane, though why they settled on Nor is a mystery. If fact it is weren't for some strange stories of people catching glimpses of the city, or the The Accounting of Yeren of Ylore no one would have even heard of the place. Everyone who has said they have seen it have been unreliable witnesses, and there has been no physical evidence of the city.
  Except for a small number of people, Ylore is thought to be just a story told by the fireside. It is generally believed by scholar that the place does not exist and stories of it have just grown from old tales. No one has been able to find any real evidence of the city, and even the accounting of Yeren is considered a tall tale told around the fire, and in the taverns by bards.


The legend of Ylore is known mostly amongst adventurers rather then the general populace. There are no story elements that appeal to regular folk, like heroes or princesses, or maidens. Amongst scholars it is used as an example of a classic legend, with only the most gullible believing it is true. Adventurers however delight in tale of hidden things that may hold untold treasures and so the legend has found it home there.
The World of Nor


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