Elves Species in Nor | World Anvil


Elves claim to be the oldest race on the planet, but there is no evidence to support that. Elves are the longest living humanoid races, and many feel their race is immortal.  
There are three races of Elves. The Ellasti (el-A-stie), known to the humans as High Elves. These Elves are the longest living and the most aloof. They are the mystical powerful Elves of Legend. The Terrasti (Ter-A-stie), called Grey elves by Human, and by other elves as a derogatory term. The Terrasti are elves who have adapted and become much more like their human neighbors than their High Elf Cousins. These elves are the shortest lived. The last are the Tarrvasti (Tar-VA-stie), also known as the Wood elves. These Elves are wilder and closer to their instinctual nature. They seem to be tribal and lie in between. The other two races.  
  There is some commonality to all three races of elves. The first is their aloofness. Due to their long lives, many Elves have seen much more change than then the other races. The fact that the elves have lived through it all, mostly unchanged in their culture or way of living, means that they see situations that differently. Things that greatly affect a human’s lifetime, is only a passing storm to an Elf. They do not have the same urgency that a human of halfling may have. They know most problems work themselves out in a few hundred years and they just stay out of it. It takes a lot to get the Elven people as a whole interested in events in the world. That is not to say individual Elves may not feel passionate about issues, but usually it is the younger of the race that get involved in the world around them.  
The second is their love and reverence of nature. All three races of elves have a love for all living things of nature. Even the animals they hunt and plants they harvest for food are revered. They feel they have a connection to all living things and treat that connection with the utmost respect. They do not hunt for sport, and they take only what they need to live. They build their homes in concert with nature and defend it vigilantly. They have a strong hatred of things that tend to be a perversion of nature, of that are wantonly destructive of live. They have a deep hatred for Orcs and goblin kind, who destroy nature and life for perverse pleasure. They see magic as a force of life and hate Dar magic, like necromancy and some dark conjurations.  
Third is that elves are emotional. While there are exceptions, most elves are much more emotional than humans. They feel emotions deeper, and fins it harder to keep themselves detached that other races would. Elves cry easily and love easily. This causes them to try to keep their distance from on elves, aa other races simply don’t understand the emotional toll that situations can have on elves. This is one of the reasons that elf-human relations are discouraged. Humans find it much easier to leave a relationship than an elf, who will feel the emotional discomfort of a breakup much more strongly than a human, not to mention when a human grow older and start to deteriorate, while their elven partner is still young and hale.  
Last is their ability to withdraw from the world. This is mostly seen in High and Wood Elves, but Grey elves also have a tendency to do this too. Due to their long live most elves are isolationists, preferring to live their own way without outside interference and without getting involved in outside affairs. Very few events have caused the elves to get involved in the world's troubles. They do, however, recognize the ability of humans to take what they have and turn it industrious. Because of this, elves have trade relations with most cities, letting the human do most of the work for simple goods, and then trading things that can only be made by elves. While elves are content to trade with nearby civilization for goods such as leather, food, etc., they have the ability to be completely self-sufficient, replace the good they receive through trade with alternate homemade versions. This is a great defense for the elves, for they can withdraw themselves from the world when danger threatens it. It is also the main reasons human and Elven relations are not much stronger. Several times in the past as trouble has threatened the people of Nor, the elves have left them to their own devices.
The World of Nor

Articles under Elves


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