Runegate Town Settlement in Nocturn | World Anvil
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Runegate Town

An isolated town in the center of the Oralence Forest, Runegate was established by a great elementalist that was banished from their home out of the people's fear for their power. The town is now known for its skill in spellcrafting and alchemism, and is the most popular location for those wishing to study in the arcane arts.


Thanks to the town originally starting from a single group of exiled peoples, there is no exact demographic that Runegate follows. Some of the Sylphs native to Meriun did end up moving to the newly established settlement, but all others stayed at there home in the Spires. Most of Runegate's already-small population came from all the talented sorcerors, elementalists, and alchemists that managed to find their way through the forest.


Aside from a border of wooden palisades, Runegate really doesn't have any tangible defences. However, thanks to the spell that hangs heavy over Oralence forest, only those with great magical promise, or those that are accepted by the town's people, are able to make their way to the titular rune-laden gates. In addition to the forest's space-warping properties, however, the very walls of the town are covered in explosive fire runes that react outwards towards excessive force.

Industry & Trade

Almost all of Runegate's trade is exclusively within the town's own economy, which itself is smaller than that of most others. However, the town does participate in the silver trade, and also exports magical charms and potions crafted by residents.


Runegate isn't organized in any specific way, the streets are lined with a seemingly random assortment of housing and storefronts. However, there are some areas of notable concentration. For example, there are small collections of "neighborhoods" where houses are somewhat more common than any other kinds of building.


The buildings that represent the architecture of Runegate are composed of shale and the maple runewood of Oralence. Red shingled roofs are common, and lamps made with bioluminescent moss are built directly into the walls.
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