Sanguine Market Organization in Nine Circles of Saturnia | World Anvil

Sanguine Market

Hmmm... AB+... Surprisingly free of common narcotics... Yes, I'm sure my, er... "Clients"... will find this... acceptable. Hold still now, this will... only take a few... minutes...
  Hiding deep in the lower slums of Agria and Tertius. Lurking in the dark places where even hardened thugs fear to tread. Preying on the penniless vagrants and the blissfully ignorant foreigners, they stalk the labyrinth of rusting steel halls and flaking concrete corridors...   Or so the story goes. Horror stories told by drunkards in dive bars, tales to frighten children away from the dangerous lower levels. The rumours of gangs of serial killers, the legends of vampires, surely there's no truth to any of this, right? Right?   It's only a story until a corpse turns up drained of blood. And such corpses turn up with alarming regularity.   The truth is disturbing and sinister. Skirting the very edges of Corporate Law, and operating behind closed doors, for those in the know there is a very slick and smoothly operated grey market for human blood popularly known as the Sanguine Market. It is rumoured that HaimaSynth is secretly sponsoring the Sanguine Market, however no tangible connection has ever been officially proven, and it is unclear why a reputable company specializing in synthetic human blood would get itself involved in the shady and dubiously legal trade in real human blood.   All that is known, is that those involved are payed enough money to keep their mouths shut, and that their clients are wealthy enough to remain anonymous. In any case, Corporate Law enforcement seem to be either unable or unwilling to investigate beyond half-hearted attempts to look into the deaths of those who had their blood drained. Victims are found with large gashes and tearing in the throat area, with the common carotid arteries being punctured to extract the blood at naturally high pressures.
Illicit, Cartel
Parent Organization

Cover image: by NASA/JPL-Caltech


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Oct 4, 2021 21:22 by Ononomad

This is great and awesomely sinister. How do nefarious folk make a trade?

Oct 4, 2021 21:31

Hmmm... Something to expand on later.

Author of Labyrithis and more!