Life, Fate of Creation Character in Nibmu | World Anvil

Life, Fate of Creation

Fate of Creation

Created by Eric Zeigler

Life, Fate of Creation (a.k.a. Creation)

Hair of wood, green skin, vines and leafs used for clothing. Life is considered one of the more beloved Fates in Tale of Anah. It is easy to see why, as she uses her influence to create almost all of the creatures Nibmu.   In many ways, Life is considered one of the strongest Fates in existence. She is capable of breathing life into souls and manipulating the energy. With every soul, she gets she modifies giving the generation of creature a small advantage over the previous. She gets these souls from her brother Death who takes them from the fallen.   Life is the most removed from the world. While she works tirelessly every day she has little time for mortal or immortal beings. So that she can continue to do her job while watching over her creatures, when she takes in a new soul she sees the life they lived. Some believe that she then judges the creature if they good or bad.   While she is the least seen of the three Fate, she has the strongest following. This is because while her physical body is almost never seen, her influence is seen more often than all the other fates combined.   This is most evident in the story of the Life Tree. It is a large white tree who roots contain the Essence of Creation. The Orcs make their capital in front of this tree and tell the story of how it grew after a piece of white energy flew through the sky. That energy landed and the tree grew around it. They use the roots from the tree can heal any injury. It is said that the staff of the orc priests is made from these roots. Like all mothers, she is protective of her children. For reasons only known to her, she watches the planet waiting for something to appear. I won’t go into detail, spoilers, but she watches for something as powerful as a Fate to find a door. She is one of the only creatures alive that knows what is behind it.   If she ever finds that creature, she plans to descend from her tower and battle it within their planet. Her powers can, range as all Fates do, but she has absolute control of the powers of creation. Using these powers she let a being heal from any damage (even if their entire body blows apart) or she can attack using the creatures around her.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith

She cannot directly interfere with the world unless absolutely necessary.



Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep the world spinning

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hair of wood, skin of green, plantlife used as clothing.   She looks like a female with plant-like features.

Body Features

Skin tone: Green Hair: Brown Body type: Thin with a little muscle.

Facial Features

Beautiful, her facial features change depending on who is looking at her.

Identifying Characteristics


Special abilities

Absolute control over Creation Energy, which effects spirits outside their body, can manipulate spirit energy to an extent.

Apparel & Accessories

Normally dresses in living beings. This is normally plantlife, but could also be animals.

Specialized Equipment

Normally doesn't use weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Created the world, all the creatures on it. Her personal history extends far before that.   She spends most of her time in a tower using the spirits brought to her to create new and exciting species, or adapting the ones that are already there.   She did send a bit of her raw magic into her world once. This resulted in the creation of a large white tree that grew in a grassland. Orcs (who were nomadic beforehand) gathered around this tree and built their first city. This tree has been marked as the Tree of Creation and contains her power within its roots. These roots have been made into staffs and tonics that are said to heal any wounds.

Gender Identity

No Identity


She looks female


Former warrior, last of her kind, no formal education, but


Fate Spends most of her days creating new lifeforms and changing existing ones.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Created Nidmu, and all its creatures

Failures & Embarrassments

Dragons emerged as one of the first beings on the Nidmu. They were powerful, and Life feared they would get out of control. These beings didn't survive of her energy, so she created a being that used light energy like the Fates. This resulted in the gods, who then attempted eradicated the dragons. From then on she refuses to use her energy to create another creature.

Mental Trauma

There is a door on Nibmu hidden underneath the world. She and Death put something behind that door with the help of something much more powerful than them. She fears the day that door is opened again, and will do anything to prevent it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent, empathetic, forgiving, rash at times, at times uncaring,

Morality & Philosophy

She loves every one of her creatures. She would do anything to protect them, but like all other Fates, she cannot interfere directly in their affairs. Her breaking of this rule in the creation of the gods is her reason why she can't. She will only break the rule now if the door is about to be open.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to create the best world possible, but she also wants to protect them. This influences many of her adaptive changes to species, but when the times comes it will also force her hand to intervien.

Virtues & Personality perks

Strong, determined, loving, and protective

Vices & Personality flaws

Quick to act, impulsive.


Family Ties

Death, Destiny, and Time

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Confident, but the way she gets information sometimes leads her to be deceived. Energetic with Death, no so much with those she considers mortal.


Can act indifferent when doing business. When she is with her brother she can flirty, and energetic.

Hobbies & Pets

She considers every creature to be her pet, her child.


Soft-toned, her voice sounds beautiful to anyone that hears.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Life, Fate of Creation
Circumstances of Birth
Has always existed
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence
Fate's castle
Brown like wood, with small leafs growing from them
Known Languages
She knows all languages.
Character Prototype
Her look is Poison Ivy. For powers and ability, general creation gods.


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