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Before Everything there was only Nibmu

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Nibmu is a planet that existed, before even the Big Bang. Man never existed, it was a place where gods, dragons, and elves all live. The land is divided into three sections, Heaven, Beyond, and Juki. Heaven is the largest single country. Dragons were the first to inhabit the area. Those dragons built a great civilization. But it was not to last. Beings of light emerged into Heaven. The dragons attempted to live peacefully, but as the beings continued to grow in strength and numbers a conflict arose. Most dragons died during the war. The gods laid claim to nearly a third of the landmass stopping just short of a treeline.   As far east as you can go there lays a land who few call home. The Fates pulled the stones up to form a jagged barrier of mountains to bar anyone from entering. All that is known is anyone who attempts to mountains never returns.   Between the mountains of Beyond Lands, and borders of Heaven lies the middle kingdom commonly called Juki. Here the forests of the Elves lay, and next to them the grasslands of the Orcs. At the northmost land, a frozen waste exists where a few creatures roam including fierce Frost Giants and the crafty dwarves. On the southern end of the world sits a group of banished gods known as Titans.   As time rolls on, and tensions are growing again. The gods in Heaven are pushing every creature out of their land and taking what they wish. While many beg the gods to stop the elves have taken in dragons, and their forges pump weapons day in and out. War begins, and now a young god emerges from the Beyond Lands. Can he end the war? And who do his loyalties lie?