Seelie Court Organization in Ní Cúirteanna | World Anvil
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Seelie Court


The ruling family of Sidhe are the descendants of the first Seelie Sidhe, Nádúr Cothrom. They always consists of a trio of Sidhe women, the Banríona or Queens of the Seelie Court. Old Mother Summer is the ruler of that which was and that which is fading away. Queen of the Summer Court makes most of the decisions and acts as the figurehead of the Court. She rules that which is. The Lady of the Summer Court, aka the Maiden, is the heir and functions as the second-in-command. She reigns over that which will be.

The Queen often has a consort who acts as the Commander of the Armies of Summer. This title is not as literal as it would seem as the military units have their own hierarchy. The Commander or First Knight of the Seelie, sometimes known as the Summer Knight, acts more as a liaison between the queens and the military. This can become even more hazy since Titania, the current Queen, has become enamoured of taking magic-talented half-mortals as consort ever since the donkey incident. Because of her odd choices, the Summer Knight isn't often a good fighter or tactician, and the military has learned to work around their failings.

The Summer Maiden also frequently takes a consort. This often-younger person acts as the head of the ruling family's bodyguard, the Summer Guardian, though how much of that too is in name only depends on whether the consort has any fighting skill. Since the Maiden is often the most flighty of the queens, her choices have been... interesting at times.

Most of the fae appear to have a very loose hierarchy. But, in reality, the interactions of the fae are so nuanced and complex that it is difficult to explain. All fae have a title, a duty (some might say "job"), and a military rank.

Within the duties, there are several guilds or other organizations for those duties. Title and military rank have nothing to do with guild position. Thus, when it comes to (for example) summer rainstorms, an Aer of high rank within the Storm Guild would outrank even the Banríona.


The Seelie Court is extremely formal, with various complex rituals for greeting, calling on, and making ties with each other and with other fae or mortals. This reflects the Court's purpose of providing structure within the chaos of nature.

Patience and manners are of the utmost importance to these fae, but they often forget how short mortal lives are, and how spread out humans are. Because of this, they feel like the rituals they shared with a few humans centuries ago should be known to all mortals. They often get angry with mortals who do not know of the rituals or wording that the fae insist upon.

However, in their own lands, the way the fae, the Sidhe in particular, behave is much like a dance - slow and methodical with much bowing to the appropriate people in the appropriate situations. As they move to lower parts of the hierarchies and into those Wild Fae only partly or temporarily associated with the Seelie Court, the formality can change drastically.

It is always wise to understand who you are speaking to, how high up they are, and what the cost of disrespect might be when dealing with fae of any kind.

Public Agenda

The Seelie Court promotes growth and expansion within the cycles of nature. This includes structures and foundations, and applies to plants, weather, animals, and human cultures equally.

It is important to note that while both are attributed to the Seelie Court, neither fixedness nor goodness are part of the Seelie Court's ethics. The Seelie are not nicer than the Unseelie Court. At best, they are more polite and more predictable.

Bhéasa Comhionanna

Alternative Names
The Summer Court, The Bright Fay, The Well-Mannered
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Seelie Fae
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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