Metaroid Kratos Character in Nexus Reborn: Rise of the Fallen | World Anvil

Metaroid Kratos

Founder Metroid Cratos

The original Founder of the City of Kratos and the one it is named after. Recognized as a Royal family and rulers of Kratos and the Nation of Aetheria.   King Metaroid has three children who also aided in the creation of the city and Nation within. Prince Falaroon Kratos  and the first in line, Princess Astride, and Prince Stonstar. His wife Queen Astraya, passes several 7 years ago. Since then, King Metaroid's will to lead the Nation has faltered along with his health. It is suspected that Prince Falaron will be crowned as the new king if King Metaroid's health worsens.
Year of Birth
Cloudy blue
Ruled Locations


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