What I'm Reading! Issue 177 in Webway | World Anvil

What I'm Reading! Issue 177

Hey, Everybody! Here we go with Issue 177!
So! Worldbulding Con! I mean, what else is there to talk about, right? This is just amazing every year. This one is no different. This time, I won't ramble on because we've got Worldbuilding Con to attend, am I right? Hope to see you there!
But I've also tried to catch up on my reading. So, without further delay!
Here is the current crop that REALLY stood out for me! Enjoy!

The Road Goes Ever On

Once again, I grabbed my satchel and set out on the digital road to find some unexplored countries in the Anvilspace. As always, the Anvilspace didn't disappoint!
After Silence

Kummer Wolfe's Travels

  Missed old journal or two? Fear not! They may be a bit dusty, stained with tea and coffee... but here you go! The Kummer Wolfe List Archive   #whatIamReading #TheKummerWolfeList #anvilspace #SharetheLove

Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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