What I'm Reading! Issue 140 in Webway | World Anvil

What I'm Reading! Issue 140

Hey, Everybody! Here we go with Issue 140!
And SummerCamp is here! I won't rattle on much here as we've all plenty to write and craft. The first prompts are out and aren't they great? I had several ideas, almost too many! How about you? Prompts fit in your world of choice? Or did you have to do some creating twisting to them?
But as it's SummerCamp, the captivating creativity really flowed! Tons of new worldbuilding is rolling out which means plenty to read!
So, without further delay!
Here is the current crop that REALLY stood out for me! Enjoy!

The Road Goes Ever On

Once again, I grabbed my satchel and set out on the digital road to find some unexplored countries in the Anvilspace. As always, the Anvilspace didn't disappoint!

Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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