The Octad Order Organization in Nexus | World Anvil
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The Octad Order

The Octad Order was a secret society dedicated to keeping the Quintus Gems out of the wrong hands. The order was ancient and led by the gynosphinx Citrata, who kept a host of paladins trained and at the ready to assist in times to need. Unfortunately, Dunames infiltration of the church allowed her to learn of the order from a document buried in the church's archives. She killed Citrata and all but one of the paladins, Toneldren, who only survived because he panicked and fled. The other members of the Octad Order ironically had little contact with the current primary gemholders, the Barrel Boys, and even those that did kept the Order a secret because they weren't sure whether the Barrel Boys would ultimately be allies or enemies.   The surviving members did all participate in the Battle of Lakeview, fighting the invading demons and devils to protect the citizens while the Barrel Boys with the fiends leaders. After the battle, the damaged order was disbanded as the the Barrel Boys scattered throughout Nexus (and beyond) to focus on their personal goals, taking their Quintus Gems with them.  


  • Toneldren, the disgraced paladin
  • Gandeldore, the archmage
  • Tatasciore, the treant potionmaker
  • Kairyu, bronze dragon & lake guardian
  • Altmera, the Pink Gemholder
  • Honor Grayson, the Blue Merchant
  • Telantes, deva & guardian of the Split Gemholders
  • Josephine, half-dragon gladiator & sailor
Secret, Brotherhood


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