Sindri the Mind Flayer Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Sindri the Mind Flayer

Sindri is one of the newer residents of Tavern Town and who came to the community seeking to win the yearly Battle of the Bars. After his tavern was wrecked in a bar fight, he strong armed the winners (Vinnie Vice, Kaylin Tramaer, and All Smite) into paying the debt they owed him by gathering ingredients he needed for his entry to the competition. The group managed to gather most of the ingredients before being mostly killed by Noxidus, the Green Shadow Dragon. Working with what he had, Sindri was able to win the competition despite his incomplete concoction. Once everyone was passed out, he revealed his true mind flayer form and released his intellect devourers to prey upon the unconscious citizens, turning them into meat puppets to serve his master Rhith, the Illithilich.  

Dwarven Disguise

Sindri's initial plans were interrupted when an unexpected bar fight trashed his establishment, the Fine Mend. This had the unfortunate timing of happening right before the head judge of this years competition came calling, Amon T. Lado. Sindri's introduction to Mr. Lado had been less than graceful when he first came to town and the pompous man had not forgotten or forgiven the slight. He promised Sindri that if the Fine Mend was not in tip-top shape by the start of the competition, he would use its shabby state to disqualify Sindri from the competition on a technicality.   Unable to fetch the ingredients he needed himself & fix up his bar at the same time, Sindri strongarmed the winners of the brawl to get the ingredients he needed while he worked on damage repair. Their first destination was an old mine that was closed off after the miners accidentally dug into the Underdark. They would need to find a native creature of the Underdark called a cave fisher, a donkey-sized arachnid prized by brewmasters for its naturally alcoholic blood.   The group was successful in their task and Kaylin returned to the Fine Mend without the others, concerned that carting creatures highly sought after by brewmasters through a town full of brewmasters might not be the best idea. Sindri agreed with her assessment and bribed several guards to bring them in through the gates after dark. He signaled the adventurers and they made their way through the dark city streets, managing to get the creatures into the Fine Mend's basement without incident.   He continued to send the adventurers out to locations near Tavern Town to collect the ingredients he needed. They came back with sacred orc herbs, golden grain, heavenly honey, and tree sap from the Forst family. During one of these adventurers, his helpers ran into some trouble with the law and guards started coming around the Fine Mend asking after them. Sensing an opportunity, Sindri gave the guards free drinks and killed them to make intellect devourers, his first victims bringing more guards to the tavern until the entire town guard was under Sindri's control. In their free time, he had them capture wild animals to make even more intellect devourers. But after his helpers were sent out for dwellberries, they never returned. Despite this setback, Sindri prepared his ultimate brew for the competition as he entered the final stages of his wicked master plan.  

Yep, He's Evil

Despite efforts from Amon T. Lado to sabotage him, Sindri managed to win the Battle of the Bars and the whole town soon began to sample his beverage and become blackout drunk. This made the citizens of the town easy prey as Sindri revealed his true mind flayer form and sunk his intellect devourers on the helpless victims. He took extra pleasure in tormenting the still-conscious Amon, who had refused to drink Sindri's brew out of spite. And so, the denizens of Tavern Town were killed and turned into nothing more than meat puppets that would serve Sindri's master, Rhith, the Illithilich.   While Sindri wanted to spread to the nearby communities and collect more corpses, Rhith ordered him and his new army to return after noticing The Goose was in the area. While more helpless targets were tempting, Rhith thought it unworth the risk of potentially angering Q'xakth. As a reward for his efforts, Rhith used a dark ritual to enhance Sindri's mind flayer abilities and transform him into an ulitharid while also promoting him to a more prominent position among Rhith's subordinates.

Character Portrait image: Dwarven b by Lisa Hall


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