Red Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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"Red" is a mysterious archfey who claims to be the adventurer K's uncle. His whimsical nature is what one would expect from a fey. One second he'll be deep in serious conversation and the next he'll break it off to ask someone else a mundane and seemingly inconsequential question. Despite this, his demeanor implies he has K's best interests at heart. He has some sort of connection to K's father (who he refers to as a "metaphorical bastard") as well as some level of connection to the River King. He was later revealed to have relations with Mother Moth as well, having kept an eye on Sonya Snowborne during K's absence on the Animal Lord's behalf.  

Uncovering the Underdark Campaign

Welcome to Haven City Arc

Week Three

K and his companions first met Red when they were hired to clear out a mine that had become entwined with a piece of the Shadowfell. After fighting off a monstrous moth released by the faun responsible for the incident, Red appeared to them clapping and congratulating them on entertaining him with their battle. He introduced himself as K's "Uncle Red", though K had no idea who Red was and had never met him before.   After giving the rest of the adventurers backhanded compliments (including showing a special fascination for Elycia's ears and recommending a shampoo typically used on show dogs, much to her annoyance), he explained why he was there. Red had come to clean up the area before the River King took notice and made a fuss about the issue. But when he saw the party arrive, he decided to conceal himself and observe them instead.   Seeing as the party had done most of the work for him, he offered to compensate them for their services. K piped up, "Oh, like a gift," and a dark look crossed Red's face as he made it very clear that it was proper payment and in no way, shape, or form a gift. Red instructed Vinnie to hold the dead moth's wings up to Elycia's shoulders and transformed them into a Luna Moth Cape with a snap of his fingers. He also asked to party to pool all their silver coins on the ground and turned them to gold with a touch.   Their business concluded, he told the adventurers it had been lovely to meet them and that he'd give them time to exit this little pocket realm before he sent it back to rejoin the rest of the Shadowfell. Bowing dramatically to take his exit, a storm of autumn leaves blew from his hair (which itself was made of such leaves) and by the time they cleared and the party could see again, Red was gone.  

Week Five

K saw Red's face in a wreath when he and Sonya went to the church of Sehanine Moonbow, Elven Lady of Dreams, to try and get more information regarding the necromantic magic affecting him. Red cautioned K to tread carefully here, warning him that Sehanine Moonbow and her clergy considered undead and necromancers enemies to be exterminated. Red told him these people were as likely to put him to the sword as they were to aid him, though luckily Sonya managed to keep the situation peaceful.  

Journey Into the Underdark Arc

When the Delvers of Secrets met Mother Moth, she mentioned that Red had been keeping an eye on Sonya during their absence to ensure M didn't try any funny business with her.


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