Paul Perrywinkle Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Paul Perrywinkle

Mr. Paul Perrywinkle is the current head of the Perrywinkle family, one of the oldest families in Haven City, and one of its only two surviving members along with his daughter, Peggy. This once great family name has fallen from grace in recent generations after Mr. Perrywinkle's father, the late Lord Perrywinkle, allowed his actions to be guided by his charitable heart. While his choices allowed much good to be done, there were also swindlers who came sniffing for free handouts that soon left the Perrywinkle family nearly copperless.   Despite their relative poverty (considering they are technically nobility), Mr. Perrywinkle continues to work as a government employee through his hereditary seat on the city council. While he does not have the clout his ancestors wielded, there are still those in the Haven City Government who remember the Perrywinkle name and owe either the family or Mr. Perrywinkle himself favors. Some of these individuals are friends to Mr. Perrywinkle while others abandoned him once they no longer viewed his association as useful, though they do recall the debt he may one day call in.  

Daughter in Danger

Indeed, Mr. Perrywinkle attempted to call in a great many of these debts when his daughter was abducted by members of the Crows. But even the legitimate ruling body of Haven City hesitates to interfere with the crime syndicate's activities and he found no help among his colleagues. Desperate, he put out a call for aid using the connections his and his father's goodwill efforts had made over the years. This call reached the ears of the Gnameless Gnome, who pointed a certain party of adventurers in Mr. Perrywinkle's direction.   Mr. Perrywinkle explained the situation to the adventurers when they arrived; his daughter had been abducted 5 days ago and he had 2 days left to deliver 1000 gold for her safe return, a sum greater than what he would be able to muster. During this discussion, Mr. Perrywinkle noted that the Crows would likely be aware of this and wondered if they had some other motive, such as targeting him on behalf of a political rival.   Willing to do anything to get his daughter back safely, Mr. Perrywinkle offered the group 500 gold if they could rescue her. After talking among themselves, the adventurers agreed and offered up a plan. Mr. Perrywinkle would take a chest to the exchange point while the adventurers waited to ambush the Crows when they arrived and rescue the hostage. He agreed without hesitation, more than willing to put himself in harm's way to save his daughter, and told them to return to his home in 2 days just before the exchange was to take place.  

The Rescue

When the party returned two days later, Mr. Perrywinkle was armed, armored, and ready to rescue his little girl. He carried a chest with the ransom (or, really, part of the adventurers payment) and headed for Despair Street, a neighborhood controlled by the Crows where the exchange was to take place. He met with a street thug who led him through the streets as the party followed silently on the rooftops, eliminating lookouts as they went. The adventurers made themselves known when the thug led Mr. Perrywinkle down a dead-end alley and drew a weapon, Elycia killing the thugs dog with magic while K knocked the thug out.   Mr. Perrywinkle listened closely while the adventurers interrogated the thug, his face growing white with anger when the thug admitted they had been instructed to keep Miss Perrywinkle even if the ransom was delivered. He didn't seem particularly concerned when K cut the thug's throat not long after, even though Vinnie had promised the man his life. The group then split up with Jake disguising himself as the dead thug with magic and going off with Leh'ct while the rest of the group, including Mr. Perrywinkle, stuck to the rooftops.   They snuck onto the roof of the building where the thug said Miss Perrywinkle was being held. Once Leh'ct gave the signal, Vinnie broke through the roof and blocked the door while the others up above threw down a rope. After hugging his rescued daughter, they quickly made their escape before the Crows could rally with Vinnie and Leh'ct accompanying the Perrywinkles. Mr. Perrywinkle embraced Vinnie in thanks for saving his daughter and gave him his breastplate in thanks, promising to send the rest of their payment to the GnoName Tavern later.   As the Perrywinkles disappeared into the night, Leh'ct decided to stealthily follow them to make sure they escaped the city safely. He and Silinrul kept behind them unseen in a sewer where the Perrywinkles met with a stone golem and its owner, Stane, who declared the teleportation circle was ready to get them out of the city. Leh'ct made a mental note of the bricks the stone golem pressed to open the secret door in the wall, assured that the Perrywinkles were now safe.

Character Portrait image: Captain Kadein by KateVoyn


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