Haven City Government Organization in Nexus | World Anvil
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Haven City Government

Haven City is governed in equal parts by a ruling council and democratically elected monarch.   Members of the council are typically either hereditary nobles or rich merchants who were able to buy themselves a seat. Some outliers do exist, but most council members fall into one of these two groups. There is no set number of council seats; seats can be added when someone who achieves a great deed is awarded with a seat on the council. Likewise, seats can be eliminated if a noble family dies out or a council member suffers some other tragedy.   The monarch is elected by the people every 10 years and meant to act as their voice, holding equal political power to the entirety of the council. In theory, at least. Oftentimes, council members will exert their influence over elections to try and put a king or queen who will support their positions on the throne. At times, this works. Just as often there have been moments in Haven City's history when the fires of the peoples anger can only be extinguished with the blood of corrupt council members.
Geopolitical, City-state

Character flag image: Arcem Alva City Crests


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