Ohnaka, the Charismatic Merchant Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Ohnaka, the Charismatic Merchant

Ohnaka is a cheerful paladin with a big personality and a former Gold-ranked adventurer turned merchant. Between his old adventuring connections and exploring virtually every market in the region, his claim that he can acquire any item for his customers isn't far from the truth. When he isn't on one of his many business trips, Ohnaka can be found working his general store in Inkhear alongside his adopted daughter, Anna.   Table of Contents


Life as an Adventurer

Ohnaka joined the Adventurer's Guild for a simple reason: money. Many individuals join the guild as a way to earn the coin needed for some other venture. While this was true for Ohnaka, his heart of gold made it so profit was not the sole thing he cared about (though it was often the main thing). The more Ohnaka adventured, the more he found he liked helping people. He kept telling himself, "Just one more quest. Just so that my shop will be a little better once I open it."   One morning, his friend Rowena knocked on his front door asking if Ohnaka could watch her daughter Anna while she went out of town on a quest. Rowena never returned. Ohnaka was the next closest thing that Anna had to family and he could not bring himself to abandon the child. So he handed in his guild badge and finally opened the shop he'd always talked about, settling down into a simpler life with a young girl to now look after.  

Merchant & Father

After years of excess adventuring, Ohnaka had far more coin than he needed to open a simple shop. Nonetheless, he chose to start small with plenty of extra money as a buffer to cover any mistakes he made. And he did make mistakes, but always had enough money to cover his losses and learn from the experience. In time, he learned that his major error was trying to start his new career from scratch by working purely through merchant channels. He had been an adventurer and a damn good one at that. So he called in a few favors from his old friends, getting help ranging from shoring up his stock with valuable items to word-of-mouth advertising.   At the same time, he was learning just as much about fatherhood. Ohnaka didn't know anything about being a father, let alone the father of a human child. Everything from keeping Anna happy to learning to braid her hair was new to him. Again, his friends proved to be his greatest asset. While his inexperience gave him a rocky start, in time Anna started calling him "Dad" instead of "Uncle Ohnaka". As Anna grew, Ohnaka passed on his growing skills as a merchant and ensured Anna was tutored by his old wizard friend, Ramag.  

The Guild's Go-To Merchant

While Ohnaka's success could have let him expand beyond his one simple shop, his priority was raising Anna and he chose to keep his shop a small family-owned business. Being situated in Inkhear, plus his status as a former adventurer, meant a lot of adventurers came to his shop for their supplies. Ohnaka became the guild's foremost supplier of weapons, armor, survival gear, and eventually potions after taking on the alchemist Wesley as a business partner. One day, the Headhunters wandered through his door as Ohnaka's newest customers.   Ohnaka developed an instant liking towards the Headhunters, supplying them with all the equipment they wanted at a discount. Hugh Morris was a particularly favorite customer, often buying as many healing potions as he could carry. Ohnaka later convinced the party to test out some of Anna's inventions, letting the adventurers take the gadgets out for free test runs.   Ohnaka was the one who procured the rare items the adventurer Artie needed for his summoning magic. He later hired the Headhunters to deliver a package to Ramag and sold Leliana a breastplate during her "date" with Hugh. During the Battle of Inkhear, Ohnaka sheltered many civilians in his shop while he and Anna held back the attacking Shadow Skulls and duergar until reinforcements arrived.

Character Portrait image: D&D Character Busts by David Rodrigues


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