Anna, Tinkerer & Inventor Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Anna, Tinkerer & Inventor

The daughter of a prominent adventurer, Anna was adopted by her "Uncle Ohnaka" when her mother never returned from a guild quest. The sudden change was hard on the young girl, but she knew that Ohnaka cared for her very much. In time, she began to call him "Dad" and her new father made sure Anna was provided with an arcane education. Anna learned spells that allowed her to manipulate the shape of metal; together with her keen mind and inquisitive nature, this ability allowed her to start developing inventions designed to help adventurers.   Anna also learned how to be a merchant from Ohnaka, handling the bookkeeping and running the shop whenever he was away on business trips. Currently, Anna is trying to use her merchant connections to obtain books on gnome clockworks, eager to start building constructs of her own. She figures they'll be more effective than the animated weapons she currently has guarding the shop.

Character Portrait image: Tinker by SirTie


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