Ramag, the Portal Master Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Ramag, the Portal Master

Ramag is a skilled wizard and former Gold-ranked adventurer who has since retired to his tower in the mountains. In his heyday, he often adventured with Ohnaka and developed portal magic capable of firing projectiles back at his foes. The Headhunters met Ramag when they headed to his tower to deliver a package to the wizard on Ohnaka's behalf. The group was initially greeted by Ramag's stone golem, Shale, who was in the process of causing bandits trying to raid the tower to flee in terror. Ramag calmly sat in his living room reading a good book while this was happening.   When Shale introduced the visiting adventurers, Ramag's initial orders were to "squish them like the rest". When they said Ohnaka sent them, Ramag sighed and put on an exaggerated show of being interrupted from his reading. At the party's prodding, he took them upstairs to examine the Grave Orb that Chigiri had been carrying around. Being familiar with extraplanar entities, he was able to identify the orb as belonging to the Cult of Orcus and advised the group not to use it. Shortly thereafter, he strongly implied it was time for them to leave so that the grumpy wizard could get back to his book.


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