Father O'malley Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Father O'malley

Father O'malley is a priest of the church of Pelor, the Dawnfather. Though not blessed with the divine magic of a cleric, he is a faithful member of the church and serves his community by lending his ear and the occasional helping hand to those in need.   After Hugh Morris rescued Leliana from Levira in the Giantsheel Swamp, he brought the injured young woman to Father O'malley's church seeking sanctuary. Following Hugh's departure, Father O'malley treated Leliana to cleanse the poison that Levira's toxic dart had left in her system. Once her body was healed, it was advice from Father O'malley that led to Leliana opening herself to faith and becoming an arcana cleric of Corellon Larethian, Elven God of Magic.   Many months later, a distraught Hugh Morris wandered into Father O'malley's church once again while mourning the death of his friend Kiri. Remembering Hugh from before and seeing that the young man appeared unwell, Father O'malley offered to console him. Hugh explained what had happened and how he now doubted his ability to protect others, questioning his value as an adventurer. Father O'malley told Hugh that even if it wasn't possible to save everyone, he was still doing good and would be doing a disservice to all the people he could help in the future if he quit now. To help the young adventurer recover, Father O'malley gifted him with one of the church's relics, a breastplate that previously belonged to the hero Commander Truestrike. Hugh took Father O'malley's words to heart and was able to continue forward thanks to them, resolving to keep going until Levira was stopped and could never hurt anyone else again.   Some time after that, Hugh received a letter that claimed it was from Father O'malley asking him to come visit. He and Leliana arrived and greeted a confused Father O'malley who said he had sent no such letter. It was at that time that Levira's flying castle emerged and began to attack Lothal, Hugh suddenly realizing she had sent the letter to divide the Headhunters. Father O'malley watched as The Goose took on its giant, multi-headed form and flew off with Hugh and Leliana on its back for the their battle against the Morlocks.

Character Portrait image: The vestments of a priest of Pelor


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