The Mutaed Organization in New Zearna | World Anvil
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The Mutaed

The Grand Historian (TBA), The Dreaded Sands.


Leaded by an unknown person or persons related to the Imeshuka Artem Camp known has the Silent Speakers, with Ricver The Unspoken sharing the judgments, jobs, and laws to the group. Each squad, which is typical 3-7 people, has a designated leader called a Mutear.

Public Agenda

They sever has the "Hand of Myth" the belief the gods wish to return to a time when divine magic ruled and arcane magic was non-existent amongst mortals. Thus, they openly hunt magic users of primal, arcane, psionic, eldritch, and some divine magics. Running on an attack first mentality to minimize risk to themselves and bystanders as many with magical abilities are very dangerous.


Founded only three and a half decades after the death of Zizvrer, without any major force fighting against the speared of magic and with groups like The Majestic Arcana Lyceum spreading arcane knowledge the founders wanted to fight back. They lived in both the world of magic and without, greatly preferring the world without mages. After forming a mob with some locals and burning three young adepts at the stake, they formed the original Mutead. They decided it would be best if those fighting against the spread of magic where trained fighters with some special abilities and training would be most effective. Training in anti-magic spells like counter-spell, silence, and dis-spell magic to remove the mages upper hand. There first leader was given a magic ring that caused silence around him in a fight by Zilead, he soon after official named the group The Mutead. When face with old age, he named his successor, and gave the leader of the group the title of "The Unspoken." The second leader, after rabidly growing the size of the group and anti-magic sentiment thought out  The Imeshuka Desert he made the group tied to Artem in order to give the organization further support and public favor. The second leader was slain while whipping out a druidic camp. Afterward Ricver was made The Unspoken, and under his leadership, he established the Silent Speakers consisting of retired members, nobles, and Artem priests in order to provide legitimacy to his command after many rejected him, blaming him for letting the last Unspoken died. He then openly cut ties with long term ally Zilead for using magic and has greatly focused on working with the Koumapti Empire on outlawing many magical practice from alchemy to wizardry.

Shield in Silence

Founding Date
11th of Decna, 36 NP
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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