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New Zearna

12th of Clyneusis, 222 NP

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New Zearna, the name of two planets, co-orbiting one star and each other. Each controlling the other's tides of water and mana. The gods' existence fuels the worlds, although their nature is incomprehensible they seem to grow favor towards mortals who follow their domains. Zion is home to many diverse cultures, stories, and people, and see suffering across the planet from the peasants' struggle to feed their families, to the nobles' struggle to maintain power. Magic is a rarity in humanoids, but many find mana through devotion, study, or ancient methods.
Gemini is a harsh planet with a few city-states maintaining livelihood through the eldritch horrors of its nature. The small population of humanoids, unlike the diverse races of Zion, are almost solely Gith. Natural attuned to magic, day-to-day life could not be possible on Gemini without arcane influence in defenses, trade, and agriculture. Communication between the planets is minimal, very few Zionians have the arcane knowledge and experience to speak with the Gith, and most common folk do not even know the planet in the sky has intelligent life on it.
Death is not always the end in New Zearna as all humanoid races, as gifted by Curea, can die minor deaths trice before falling from a major death. The gods' provide an afterlife after a major death to those who follow their nature, and those who do great harm to the world or disowned the gods in favor of magic from other powerful entierties are met with nothing in the afterlife, as their souls, with a place to go, they are turned into the undead that plague the land.
The gods' left their power in divine tools throughout the two worlds, each of immense power and historical importance. Some of these tools create magic items like Artem's Tools or maintain the worlds' economy like Mercor's Coin Purse. Although these tools have many metaphysical properties that stop the abuse of their power, it has happened in the past, and may very well happen again in the future.