Diaras Settlement in New Zearna | World Anvil
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The Grand Historian (TBA). The Dreaded Sands.


The city is run by a leader chosen by the Koumapti Empire leadership, and those they appoint from the public to guide and assist them. The current leader, Captian Enitan, the primary focus is on his military responsibilities so many of his chosen run the day to day activities and he only makes calls on major issues. As long as he follows the Koumapti Codex he is free to rule as he wishes, and if his rule is disliked he will be replaced. Enitan runs a struck, but just, system of courts, were punishment is equal to the crime. Although it should be warned that he has killed criminals he personally catches quite frequently for even lesser crimes like theft, and rumors are about that he can be bribed at a high price. Taxation is straight ford enough, as the city makes good money off only taxing the selling of goods out if the region.

Industry & Trade

On the first Solie of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th month, 15 ships from the nearby kingdoms, travel here with adventures and other risk-takers each after their wealth. Many never see it as local scholars have found the average death rate of these people within their first 3 months is 86% or an average of 645 deaths. Although many of those who survive bring prosperity to the region, the most valuable part is these same ships buy gemstones, monster parts, and ancient relics back to their homes bring measurable wealth to the region, especially to Eniola Kolapo, head of the wealthiest family and owner of the Black Valley Mine, The Red Sands a elite monster hunting guild, and to Zilead a mysterious man who hires the incomers to hunt artifacts.
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