The City of I'Cath

Waytravel to the City of I'Cath...

  W   ithin the dreaming domain of I’Cath, Darklord Tsien Chiang rules a golden vision of the city—a place of ultimate beauty and efficiency where all things move according to her design. For her, it is near perfection. For her people, it is a nightmare of inescapable drudgery from which death is the only escape. The dream city’s identical, even streets sprawl across a broad hill, atop which rises a glorious palace Tsien Chiang shares with her four perfect daughters. Day or night, the streets are filled with people ever toiling to perfect the buildings, reshape the gardens, and undo the work of the previous days and weeks in favor of new designs. Within the dream, the people don’t sleep, eat, or need to attend to any other concerns. They know only their work and the glory of Tsien Chiang.

In the waking world, the truth of I’Cath is starkly apparent. Rows of decrepit, moldy homes merge to line endless, coiling avenues. The streets wind and double back, but eventually climb the rise at the city’s center, where the infamous Palace of Bones and the gold-scaled Ping’On Tower loom. By day, the streets are largely empty, except for those few desperate residents of I’Cath who have yet to succumb to the domain’s dream. They rush through their days, scavenging what they can in hopes of enduring the coming night.   Tier II Waypoint | The Iron Coin will allow anyone through. The monsters present flee instinctively should anyone of 5th level or higher arrive.  

Prerequisites: Reaching the Dungeon

The Palace of Bones lies at the center of the labyrinthine city of I'Cath. Though the edifice sits clearly upon a far hill, magic and complex structures inhibit one's progress towards it. You must complete the following before attempting the dungeon.
  • Pacify Tsien Chiang's eldest daughter, Tsien Lei-An. Voiceless Tsien Lei-An is made entirely of eyes and has the statistics of a scarecrow. She wishes for a robe of ghost hair silk or a jiangshi’s slippers. Discovering this requires a successful moderate social skill challenge, or the use of the detect thoughts spell. Failure causes Lei-An to flee until the next night, increasing the length of the journey by 24 hours.
  • Pacify Tsien Chiang's middle elder daughter, Tsien Man-Yi. Made of pale wood, Tsien Man-Yi must remain near the willow tree in the courtyard of the Palace of Bones, and has the statistics of a dryad. She wishes for flowers from the Gemstone Garden or for a friend to fall asleep under her tree’s boughs. Discovering this requires a successful moderate social skill challenge, or the use of the speak with plants spell. Failure causes Man-Yi to flee until the next night, increasing the length of the journey by 24 hours.
  • Pacify Tsien Chiang's middle younger daughter, Tsien Seu-Mei. Voiceless Tsien Seu-Mei is made entirely of teeth and has the statistics of a ghoul. She wishes to eat a delicious dessert or care for one of the fish of the Gemstone Gardens. Discovering this requires a successful moderate social skill challenge, or the use of the speak with dead spell. Failure causes Seu-Mei to flee until the next night, increasing the length of the journey by 24 hours.
  • Pacify Tsien Chiang's youngest daughter, Tsien Wai-Ching. Made of living fog, Tsien Wai-Ching is the youngest daughter and has the statistics of a specter. She wishes to help a spirit from Ping’On Tower find its family or to play with an incorporeal toy. Discovering this requires a successful moderate social skill challenge, or the use of the see invisibility spell. Failure causes Wai-Ching to flee until the next night, increasing the length of the journey by 24 hours.
  • For every 24 hours you are traveling to the Palace of Bones (minimum of 24 hours), you must make 6d100 rolls (4 during the day, 2 at night)
  • For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random urban encounter !table urban

Conditions in I'Cath


City of I'Cath Solo Encounters

  CR ⅛: Bandit
CR ¼: Apprentice Wizard
CR ½: Changeling
CR 1: Ghoul
CR 2: Ghast
CR 3: Deathlock Wight
CR 4: Helmed Horror
CR 5: Vampire Spawn
CR 6: Mage
CR 7: Shadow Dancer
CR 8: Vampiric Jade Statue  

City of I'Cath Special Encounters

The following encounters appear only once. When they have been slain and their rewards taken, they do not return. Notify a DM, so that they can list the slayer.    


CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
Jiangshi Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Jiangshi   Additional Notes Regarding this Jiangshi
  • Clear the Palace of Bones Dungeon
  • Consult the Tome of Knowledge
  • Complete an moderate investigation skill challenge
  • You are levels 7-9
  • You are alone
Encounter Notes
Additional Notes regarding the fight with Jiangshi   Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Jiangshi" -name "Jiangshi"
!map -bg -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33
  You start on A1.  



CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
Dullahan Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Dullahan   Additional Notes Regarding this Dullahan
  • Clear the Palace of Bones Dungeon
  • Consult the Tome of Knowledge
  • Complete an moderate investigation skill challenge
  • You are levels 7-9
  • You are alone
Encounter Notes
Additional Notes regarding the fight with Dullahan   Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Dullahan" -name "Dullahan"
!map -bg -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33
  You start on A1.  


Soul Monger

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
Soul Monger Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Soul Monger   Additional Notes Regarding this Soul Monger
  • Clear the Palace of Bones Dungeon
  • Consult the Tome of Knowledge
  • Complete an moderate investigation skill challenge
  • You are levels 7-9
  • You are alone
Encounter Notes
Additional Notes regarding the fight with Soul Monger   Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Soul Monger" -name "Soul Monger"
!map -bg -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33
  You start on A1.  


Tsien Chiang

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
Archmage Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Tsien Chiang   Additional Notes Regarding this Archmage
  • Clear the Palace of Bones Dungeon
  • Consult the Tome of Knowledge
  • Complete an moderate investigation skill challenge
  • You are levels 7-9
  • You are alone
Encounter Notes
Additional Notes regarding the fight with Tsien Chiang   Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Archmage" -name "Tsien Chiang"
!map -bg -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33
  You start on A1.  
  • Coins: 15,000gp, 1,700pp
  • Art Object:
    • Statuette of Tsien Lei-An carved from White Marble (750 gp),
    • Statuette of Tsien Man-Yi carved from Maple Burl (750 gp),
    • Statuette of Tsien Seu-Mei carved from Ivory (750 gp),
    • Statuette of Tsien Wai-Ching carved from Polished Quartz (750 gp),
    • Statuette of Tsien Chiang molded from Gold (750 gp)

  • Magic Items:

    Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

    Tsien Chiang's Robe

    Wondrous Item

    Legendary Requires Attunement

    Tsien Chang is rarely seen without her ornate magic robe. While worn, the vest and sleeves of the robe function as extradimensional spaces. Each sleeve can hold up to 20 pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 2 cubic feet. The vest can gold up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. The robe always weighs 5 pounds, regardless of its contents. Placing an object in the robe follows the normal rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving an item from the robe requires you to use an action. When you reach into the robe for a specific item, the item always leaps magically to your hand.

    The robe has a few limitations. If it is overloaded, or if a sharp object pierces it or tears it, the robe ruptures and is destroyed. If the robe is destroyed, its contents are lost forever, although an artifact always turns up again somewhere. If the robe is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, and the robe must be put right before it can be used again. If a breathing creature is placed within the sleeves or vest of the robe, the creature can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time it begins to suffocate.

    Placing the robe inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of holding, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it and deposited in a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.

    While wearing this robe, you can use an action to speak its command word. This turns the robe into a pair of ribbed dragon wings on your back for 1 hour or until you repeat the command word as an action. The wings give you a flying speed of 60 feet. When they disappear, you can't use them again for 1d12 hours.

    Weight: 5

    Natural Resources

    Tsien Chang prizes knowledge above anything else the outside world may bring her, and has collected tomes on every imaginable subject. Among her library are works of extraordinary value, which enterprising thieves have occasionally made off with in a bid to buy their freedom. To the right buyer, their value is immeasurable. New World Harvesting Guide

    Tome of Knowledge

    To the unenlightened observer, this is a simple book like any other, but between its pages lies a wealth of information on a specific subject. A collection of 10 Tomes of Knowledge of a specific subject can be collected to create a Book Lot at no additional cost. When you discover a Tome of Knowledge, roll on the Areas of Study table below to identify its subject.
    Unit value: 100 gp

    1d100 Area of Study Effect
    01 Encyclopedia Arcana - Bardic Colleges Allows a Bard to change their subclass once
    02 Encyclopedia Arcana - Sorcerous Bloodlines Allows a Sorcerer to change their subclass once
    03 Encyclopedia Arcana - Warlock Patrons Allows a Warlock to change their subclass once
    04 Encyclopedia Arcana - Wizard Schools Allows a Wizard to change their subclass once
    05 Encyclopedia Historia - Knightly Orders Allows a Fighter to change their subclass once
    06 Encyclopedia Historia - Ascetic Ways Allows a Monk to change their subclass once
    07 Encyclopedia Historia - Warrior Tribes Allows a Barbarian to change their subclass once
    08 Encyclopedia Historia - Monster Hunters Allows a Bloodhunter to change their subclass once
    09 Encyclopedia Acumen - Thieves' Guilds Allows a Rogue to change their subclass once
    10 Encyclopedia Acumen - Modern Technology Allows an Artificer to change their subclass once
    11 Encyclopedia Naturata - Druidic Circles Allows a Druid to change their subclass once
    12 Encyclopedia Naturata - Wardens of the Lands Allows a Ranger to change their subclass once
    13 Encyclopedia Divinae - Domains of the Gods Allows a Cleric to change their subclass once
    14 Encyclopedia Divinae - Oath of Moment Allows a Paladin to change their subclass once
    15 Monster Manual - Lesser Aberrations Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Aberrations' Statistics
    16 Monster Manual - Greater Aberrations Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Aberrations' Statistics
    17 Monster Manual - Lesser Beasts Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Beasts' Statistics
    18 Monster Manual - Greater Beasts Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Beasts' Statistics
    19 Monster Manual - Lesser Celestials Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Celestials' Statistics
    20 Monster Manual - Greater Celestials Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Celestials' Statistics
    21 Monster Manual - Lesser Dragons Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Dragons' Statistics
    22 Monster Manual - Greater Dragons Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Dragons' Statistics
    23 Monster Manual - Lesser Elementals Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Elementals' Statistics
    24 Monster Manual - Greater Elementals Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Elementals' Statistics
    25 Monster Manual - Lesser Fey Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Fey' Statistics
    26 Monster Manual - Greater Fey Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Fey' Statistics
    27 Monster Manual - Lesser Fiends Halves Lore cost or full CR 0 to CR 4 Fiends' Statistics
    28 Monster Manual - Greater Fiends Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Fiends' Statistics
    29 Monster Manual - Lesser Giants Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Giants' Statistics
    30 Monster Manual - Greater Giants Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Giants' Statistics
    31 Monster Manual - Lesser Humanoids Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Humanoids' Statistics
    32 Monster Manual - Greater Humanoids Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Humanoids' Statistics
    33 Monster Manual - Lesser Monstrosities Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Monstrosities' Statistics
    34 Monster Manual - Greater Monstrosities Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Monstrosities' Statistics
    35 Monster Manual - Lesser Oozes Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Oozes' Statistics
    36 Monster Manual - Greater Oozes Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Oozes' Statistics
    37 Monster Manual - Lesser Plants Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Plant Creatures' Statistics
    38 Monster Manual - Greater Plants Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Plant Creatures' Statistics
    39 Monster Manual - Lesser Undead Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Undead' Statistics
    40 Monster Manual - Greater Undead Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Undead' Statistics
    41 Planar Guide - Sigil, City of Doors Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    42 Planar Guide - The Far Realm Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    43 Planar Guide - The Ethereal Plane Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    44 Planar Guide - The Shadowfell Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    45 Planar Guide - The Feywild Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    46 Planar Guide - The Astral Plane Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    47 Planar Guide - The Elemental Chaos Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    48 Planar Guide - The Abyss Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    49 Planar Guide - Acheron Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    50 Planar Guide - Arcadia Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    50 Planar Guide - The Outlands Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    51 Planar Guide - Elysium Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    52 Planar Guide - Gehenna Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    53 Planar Guide - Ysgard Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    54 Planar Guide - Hades Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    55 Planar Guide - The Beastlands Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    56 Planar Guide - Limbo Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    57 Planar Guide - The Nine Hells of Baator Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    58 Planar Guide - Mechanus Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    59 Planar Guide - Arborea Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    60 Planar Guide - Pandemonium Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    61 Planar Guide - Mount Celestia Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    62 Planar Guide - Carceri Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    63 Planar Guide - Bytopia Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
    64 Legends of Toril Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
    65 Legends of Oerth Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
    66 Legends of Krynn Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
    67 Legends of Eberron Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
    68 Legends of Ravnica Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
    69 Legends of Theros Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
    70 Artificer's Appendix - Minor Roll on Magic Item Table F, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
    71 Artificer's Appendix - Lesser Roll on Magic Item Table G, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
    72 Artificer's Appendix - Greater Roll on Magic Item Table H, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
    73 Artificer's Appendix - Major Roll on Magic Item Table I, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
    74 Novice's Primer for Abyssal Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    75 Novice's Primer for Celestial Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    76 Novice's Primer for Daelkyr Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    77 Novice's Primer for Deep Speech Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    78 Novice's Primer for Draconic Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    79 Novice's Primer for Dwarvish Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    80 Novice's Primer for Elvish Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    81 Novice's Primer for Giant Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    82 Novice's Primer for Gith Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    83 Novice's Primer for Gnomish Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    84 Novice's Primer for Goblin Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    85 Novice's Primer for Halfling Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    86 Novice's Primer for Infernal Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    87 Novice's Primer for Kraul Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    88 Novice's Primer for Minotaur Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    89 Novice's Primer for Orc Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    90 Novice's Primer for Primordial Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    91 Novice's Primer for Sylvan Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    92 Novice's Primer for Undercommon Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
    93 Manual of Basic Health Increase your Constitution Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
    94 Manual of Warm Up Exercise Increase your Strength Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
    95 Manual of Ponderous Action Increase your Dexterity Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
    96 Tome of Common Sense Increase your Wisdom Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
    97 Tome of Simple Courtesy Increase your Charisma Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
    98 Tome of General Facts Increase your Intelligence Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
    99 Apprentice's Notebook Contains a Wizard's 1st level Spell Scroll
    100 Acolyte's Chapbook Contains a Cleric's 1st level Spell Scroll
Discovered By
Professor Bastion Armature
Date Discovered
Mage's College

Table of Contents

Large city
Location under

Cover image: Gloom City by Chen Ziyi