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Pits of Akkolorn

The Pits of Akkolorn, sometimes simply called the Pits, is a Low Astral Realm of Lawful Evil according to Luthaenelism, and the antithetical Realm to the Luthaenel. Very little is known about the Pits of Akkolorn besides what has been revealed; even the Great Nine of Luthaenel know only little more than mortals. Devils who enter the Shattered Planes from the Pits -- either by summoning or issuing -- often lie, so their veracity regarding the Pits is called into question. However, some devils have been known to lead cults who have faithfully preached their findings on Akkolorn.

What is known with confidence is that it is a wicked place inhabited by devils following a strict hierarchy, and the souls of the unfaithful and evil who work in tortured servitude to them. The Pits are named after its King Akkolor the Perverter, the archdevil evil deity. Little is known of Akkolor besides Its extreme power and malice. Unspeakable horrors have been committed in the name of Akkolor by both Its devils and Its cultist following.

It is generally best not to try to understand Akkolor or Akkolorn; if you think too much about it, you might be destined to go there anyway.


When Akkolor and Its followers were banished from the Luthaenel by Its peers, it is said It was cast down from the sacred Mount Darbreduun sometime after the Sacred History of Maletsok. Akkolor's fall from the sacred summit with Its followers left many great pits at the base of the mountain, and these became Its domain. To keep It and Its followers trapped and away from Creation, the Pits were covered with many layers of earth and cursed never to bear fruit which today is known as the Uremseach Desert.

Plane of Existence


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