Mount Darbreduun Geographic Location in Nedia | World Anvil
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Mount Darbreduun

Mount Darbreduun is a volcano that towers at the heart of the Maleseachian Mountains in the Maletsok Territory. It is an imposing mountain, rising high above the landscape like the watchful eye of the Gods, seen by all below. The volcano has been dormant for millennia, and has naught but rumbled since the Ethelan settled its shores. It holds great significance in Luthaenoism, and to the Maletsokish folk as a whole.


Although by all accounts a typical dormant volcano, Mount Dabreduun is of particular importance to the Maletsokish natives, as it features heavily in all of their myths. Of utmost significance is the role Dabreduun played in the Sacred History of Maletsok. It is said that the mountain was from where Elumen of the Distant Wood pulled up the Islands from the seabed below. Within the walls of the mountain sits the Holy Forge of Idwalen the Crowned, was opened and flooded the Island in a Holy Fire as punishment for the greed of the mortals. This volcanic punishment is what eventually led the Maletsokish to unify under one banner and work together to maintain peace and promote a collective prosperity across the land.

In this way, the Mountain is seen as foundational for the Island's inhabitants, being the literal and figurative foundation for their ancient Confederacy, now lost to time.



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