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The Kolaluthaenut, commonly shortened to the Kolaluth, is the celestial plane in the Low Astral Realms wherein the Gods of the Kolaluthaenut Pantheon reside. It is the Realm into which all those who practice Luthaenoism hope to be granted entry after death.

According to the traditional lore of the folk of Maletsok, the Kolaluth is situated at the summit of the Islands' tallest peak, the volcanic Mount Darbreduun. Indeed, the name Kolaluthaenut translates to "Summit of Worship" in Old Maletsokish.

The first part of the Kolaluth is the Toro Kolaluthaenut Ta. Often shortened to the Toroluth, this is the Great Gates that separate the Kolaluth from the material world. It is here at the Toroluth that the celestial servants, the Werien, stand fast, ever guarding the entrance. These Werien, believed to be more angelic than divine, act as both sentries and record keepers. Luthaenoists believe the Warien watch all that happens on the material plane, keeping an accurate record of the actions of mortals, particularly how they devoted themselves to the causes of the Gods.

Past the Toroluth, the Kolaluthaenut is characterized by numerous domains wherein each of the Gods reside. These domains exemplify that particular God and their personalities and influences. The Muise, the Nine Lands, are the largest and most influential domains in the Kolaluth, as their presiding deities are the Muenjotu, the Nine Major Deities. The other gods have their own domains, proportional to their power and influence. Most minor deities prefer to reside with their patron deities of the Muenjotu, and so their domains become no more than extensions of the Muise. Others, especially those with close ties to Muenjotu who dislike one another, will reside in their own domains so as to keep their ties without offending one or the other.

Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Existence


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