Lafallameaivet Settlement in Nedia | World Anvil
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Known by some as the Northern Capital of Maletsok, Lafallameaivet is a sprawling port city at the back of the calm Allamea Bay, and the first city to be built by the Ethelan in Maletsok. Much like Lafolleth its souther cousin, its size lends itself to a strong cosmopolitan culture, especially  


Lafallameaivet was first instituted during the Ethelan-Maletsokish War as a fortress form which to conduct the campaign in the Northern Wetlands and beyond. The site was chosen at the mouth of the Allameai River for the bay's calm and deep waters, the river's width, and the vast swamplands. The wetlands that surround the town acted as a natural barrier agains the Confederate forces.

During the war, the site, at this time constructed of wood, acted purely as a military stronghold from which the Ethelan Army was able to enact the Great Sweep and conquer northern Semseach following the Abandonment. After the formation of the Gunzadhur Council in 983, trade began to prosper and drew waves of immigration from other territories in the Empire.

Following the official peace in Maletsok in the 990s, the renovation of Lafallameaivet began in earnest. This was a feat of engineering, as the delta swamplands were deep and difficult to build any heavy architecture upon. First came the great stone foundations, which had been floated downstream from the mountains and installed by the design of the three great Dwarven engineers: Golub Gamleruk, Bozidar Pitselob, and Malenko Patak. Statues of these geniuses can be found on the great Foundry Font in the City Centre. The Allameai River curves around either side of the city walls, and directly through it, as an architectural symbol of conquering the old delta. The natural looking city walls (which fly the Imperial bicolour, along with the city flag of a seahorse on a field of blue) and keep are tall, but are somehow rivaled by a number of the buildings within the city walls, which includes the docks. That makes some of the buildings -- no doubt businesses -- over 4 storeys high. The docks themselves are a marvel to behold, built almost entirely out of stone themselves. A grand causeway stretches far in the distance, keeping the waves of the ocean from entering the docks. The docks on the southside of the river are commercial, while the northside is taken up by the shipyard. As you enter, the roar of citizens in the city juxtaposes the resolute calm of the city guard, who -- in green Ethelan uniform -- watch your every move.


Lafallameaivet's demographics
Founding Date
18 Tobirset 976 T.E.


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