Gunzadhur Council Organization in Nedia | World Anvil
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Gunzadhur Council

The Gunzadhur Council is the government of the Dumadhur Dwarves in the Maletsok Territory and the Gunzadhur Guilds, aptly named for it's location in its capital Gunzadhur along the Zindush River. It was founded on the tenth of Totermu, 983 as an oppositional government to the Maletsokish Confederacy, which at the time was largely made up of Dumadhur.

Unlike the traditional Dumadhur government wherein a Grand Chief held absolute power with a council of chiefs and chief representatives acting as advisors, the Gunzadhur Council comprises two houses -- the hereditary clan chiefs and the guild masters -- who hold equal sway in governance. Decisions are made not by attempting to influence an autocrat, but by casting votes. Although the Council claims to represent the Dumadhur, it is largely made up only of Hill Dwarf clans and some remnant Mountain Dwarf clans. Further, growing cosmopolitanism had led to many non-Dumadhur in government as guild masters.

Geopolitical, Province
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy


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