The Exotique Building / Landmark in Necromancer's Moon | World Anvil

The Exotique

The Exotique is a high class brothel in The Silken Plaza that is owned by the Yun Family. It's a novelty brothel, where every sex-worker is of eastern descent, decorated in what people in Hachenberg assumes is the eastern style. Yun enforcers act as bodyguards for the Exotique, both standing in the entryway to open the door for clients and patrolling inside the building itself.  

The Misbegotten

This is the location where Jiro lives and gives medical aid to the Yunnish sex-workers. It houses Jiro's hospital on the third floor.
After a run in with the Yuns, Rhiannon Veleda promises Nicollo that he will one day add the brothel to his businesses.
Brothel / Whorehouse