Shiny Sparkly Rock Master

Welcome to KB Grand Stadium. Come play games of all types. you can gamble to board. We even have your RPG player cover. Know you can win big if you think you are the best. Even become The Shiny Sparkly Rock Master. The master of all games and will beat you at any game. Do you have what it take to be our Shiny Sparkly Rock Master


So to earn the title you must win three galactic tournaments. Then you are qualify after winning your third tournament. That can be any game and it doesn't have to be the same game. Then you have to challenge the four pillars to a match. when you challenge them, you could either pick the stakes or the game. now these four pillars are employees of the casino and have been picked out to do this job. After you face your first pillar win or lose you have one year to beat all four of them. you are more than welcome to come and go. Within that year you see fit.   Now if you don't beat them within the year you have to start over with the three tournaments. When you finally do be all four of them. you can challenge the current holder to three matches at your discretion. first you'll have to give the holder they set a dice in respect of his title. when you're ready to challenge him to a match you have to give him a set of dice. the first two games you can pick what you play. if you beat him both times the last game the current holder picks the game If you any of the matches you have to start over.


When you win the last game. The owner of the casino will take you into his office and go over the contract with you. If you're willing to accept this contract. Then you have just gained the title Shiny Click Clack Master. The night there will be a celebration held in your honor. As the former Shiny Click Clack Master comes up to you and give you your first set of dice. As he knows proclaims you worthy of the title the party is wonderful and grand and goes all night. You have the next two weeks to enjoy and relax because then the challenges begin all over again.


So, the responsibility is that 14 hours of the day they must be on the floor playing games socializing, and viewing other tournaments. They are also required to take every challenger that makes the requirements. They cannot leave the casino until they relinquish their title. Unless for emergency reasons or family concerns.


They are giving luxury suites to live in. They get to eat at all the restaurants for free. They are given a limited coupon for alcohol per week. They are also given a decent stipend of money for personal items and stuff. They can use most of the facilities extra stuff for free. that is like massages some of the sauna and other type activities to do

Accoutrements & Equipment

They introduce you to a styleless that will combine both your style and a professional look. You're also given a name badge with your picture and your new title. You'll be also given a necklace that is silver and gold intertwined and braided with hanging dice all around it. you must wear this every time you leave your room.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The only way to be removed is to physically harm anyone or steal from the casino. If you get into a verbal altercation with anyone on the job. The casino will take care of it. It is understandable that there are people that are going to be high strong, and altercations do happen.
Form of Address
Shiny Master
Alternative Naming
Game Master
Source of Authority
The Owner of the KB Grand Stadium
Length of Term
Until they lose 3 Different Game to an Individual that have Challenge the current holder to title match
Related Locations

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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