Reptar Species in Nebula United | World Anvil


Reptar are a Geno type of Repttilings Their core home world is Zarth They have the possibility of mutations and psionic in this Geno. There are quick, fast, and agile type species

Basic Information


They are a bipedal species with 8 toes two arms hands and 8 fingers one head that has a snout, nose, two eyes with diamond pupils, and two ears whole called tympanum. They mostly long and lengthy with scale all over their body.

Biological Traits

Most Reptar are left-handed dominant they do have the ability to have Mutations and Psionic abilities depending on which Geno it is.

Genetics and Reproduction

As reptile, they produce offspring right by engaging in a meeting practice. Where the male of the species will insert its genetic coding into the female. To finds the egg and marriages together. The the female lay the eggs after 3 weeks. Then 10 months of gestation they offspring is hattach.

Growth Rate & Stages

There are for main stages of Reptar development to full maturity. They are eggling, hatchling, children, and adolescents to reach full maturity the adulthood. The time that there are in each stage will depend on Geno they are part of and the planet's rotation and environment.

Ecology and Habitats

They tend to live anywhere but their body would prefer a warm climate with fresh water and lots of plant life, swamps, near ocean. Their body love heat and water on their scales. Thanks to scientifical advances and the will to survive. They can survive pretty much anywhere they want and have.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All of them are omnivores they need veggies and meat in a certain level for each of these products. they do need a higher level of meat than they do veggie.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have elongated mouse with sharp teeth. Half them have hair on top of the head and it come in varieties of colors . They have ears wholes two of them. Two eyes variety of color for the irises. The eyes pupil are diamond shape.

Average Intelligence

All Reptar are able to learn and grow depending on their environment and willingness to learn.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to hear, see, touch, taste, and smell these are their primary senses to understand the world around them.
  • They can hear between around 20 Hz to 20k Hz
  • They can see wavelengths around 380 to about 750 nanometers
  • They average sense of touch When flicking their tongue they are gathering scent particles that give them a more detailed smell
  • They average sense of taste
  • They average sense of smell
They live to be around 145 years
Average Height
Average height falls between 5.5 ft to 6.5ft
Average Weight
They are between 135 lb to 178 lb
Average Physique
They are tall and skinny of the Repttlings species. They have scales all over their body and variety of colors. In most cases there are physical body is there no matter how bad their dieting or physical habit is they seem to have a fast metabolism.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their scales come in green, blue, black, and red


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