Session Report 5 - A Crew To Fit The Ship Report in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Session Report 5 - A Crew To Fit The Ship

General Summary

"If you're willing to take me then I'm happy to join."
-Hostaging Harry

Carousing for a Crew

The original crew of the Driftwood finds themselves in need of new crew members. While Deryll Beaufort has offered to provide a few cheap hires to the group, Captain Locke and the rest of the crew elect to carouse in the hopes of finding some new members.
After checking the postings board to find that most postings of those hoping to join crews are from highly paid mercenaries and those wishing to go to specific places. They agree such people are not who they are looking for, and move to The Cobweb Tavern.
After buying a couple of drinks and scouting around a bit, the group sits down at a table with two other adventurers; Becky, a rumour-loving fire gensai, and Fjinkdinkden Sjojojokmenjonson (lovingly nicknamed Finny), a dwarf nearing retirement and looking for one last big adventure on a little ship. The group quickly begins to dislike Becky, who spins even the most mundane things into seemingly incriminating stories. On the other hand, Finny is more than interested in joining the Driftwood, and he is invited to check out the ship the following day to finalize his joining the crew.
Departing The Cobweb, the group then heads to a dingy tavern known as The Three Musketeers. Becky had mentioned a despicable person who may be looking for work, Hostaging Harry, who had previously given in to an intrusive thought and hostaged some children. Since Becky tends to exaggerate, the group elects to give Harry a chance. They find him to be a repentant and heavily depressed man who is happy to work on any ship which is willing to take him.
They also have a brief conversation with Harry's single friend, Rordan Matrixson, a talking frog who is emotionally supportive and gives good life advice. Rordan also considers joining the crew, if only for the experience.  

Beaufort's Picks

As the group returns to The Green Hostel, the weather begins to worsen. The skies become overcast and chill winds blow through the port.
Reaching the hostel, the group finds six potential recruits brought in by Beaufort, whom they interview one by one.
Graham Hollyhand is a dwarvish priest of Endra, Goddess of Selflessness. He has limited experience but earnestly promises to be helpful even despite his tendency towards sea sickness. Laire takes an immediate liking to him and soon he is officially hired.
Tanned Timothy is a wise-cracking half-elf tanned excessively due to his previous foray into Sunburn Isle on The Wild Sea. Timothy will join the crew of anybody who will head to the isle and help him clear the trap-filled temple within. Intrigued, the group decides to invite Timothy to the crew as an assistant to the Quartermaster under the promise of heading to Sunburn Isle after a few lesser expeditions.
Danny is a human, not quite middle-aged, hoping to join a pirate crew because his wife told him to, "let loose," as he puts it. Gunther has some reservations about hiring somebody with a wife and child for a dangerous job such as this one, but ultimately relents and welcomes him to the crew.
Jakolara is a self-confident Bodari who wishes to head to Barkolkatha alongside any competent crew sailing The Wild Sea. She does not give the group a chance to hire her as she walks out on them, stating that she's not satisfied with their competence.
Snitchflick is a blue kenku who is eager to serve as barrelman. While they aren't able to speak much, they strike a good impression with the group and are hired on the spot.
Peter Hoffin is a human former merchant who just really thinks pirates are cool. He's a bit tubby and is wholly overdressed to look like a stereotypical pirate, but his excitable attitude and background in stock management leads the group to hire him as the ship's Stockmaster.
Laire and Ramone move to recruit Fazili as the ship's cook, and he is easily convinced to join, thanking them profusely for letting him come with them.  

Final Preparations, Karaoke, and The Approaching Storm

The group splits in the evening as the weather continues to worsen. Gunther moves to buy supplies for the ship, picking up 30 pounds of lumber for repairs, 12 cannonballs, and 3 days' worth of rations for a crew of 14. Meanwhile, Laire, Ramone, and Grov head to the sea shanty karaoke competition at The Amphitheatre of The Silver Bramble, where Grov puts up an unimpressive performance and does not place on the podium. Locke goes to meet Thelmus to get some tips on running a ship. Finally, Chuck enters the city hoping to hear some interesting legends but is unsuccessful.
As the group heads to bed, the weather worsens further, and the dark clouds give way to torrents of rain and thunder.
Report Date
17 Jul 2022


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