The Sleeping Serpents in Nataal | World Anvil

The Sleeping Serpents

Hundreds of years ago, the planet of Nataal was home to enormous serpents that lived in the mountains, forests, deserts, and oceans alike. Now, as far as Kernelle and its people are aware, only two remain, the rest having been killed and their skeletons used to erect the towering skyscrapers of Grand Cluster City.   The serpents serving as the village's walls have been asleep since before the first robots descended Mt. Gigabit. Some say they were placed there by the Creator as a reminder of the safety He provides.   The Village Serpents
The western serpent, or Serpent of Justice, has its head at the north end of the village, and the eastern serpent, or Serpent of Wisdom, lays mostly in the forest to the east with its head at the southern end of the village. The village's gatekeepers are considered members of the Keeper clan, with one in charge of caring for each serpent.   The village's chief says that the two serpents are a gift from the creator to protect the village.
  The Serpent of Death
Below the deepest corridors of The Pipes lays the Core Dump and it's overseer, a monster rumored by those on the streets of Grand Cluster city to feed on the dead and dying.   The Serpent of Death.   In reality, the Serpent is more like a Charon and a Cerberus than a Thanatos, carrying the discarded bodies of those dying souls abused by the city into the world below where they can find rest. And amid that ever growing pile of the rusted lost is their Hades and Asclepius, Cuda.
  The Serpent of Mercy
On many days, a ringed cloud can be seen in the distance at the summit of Mt. Gigabit, as though a veil preventing the eyes of mortal steel from piercing through to the summit where the Creator works his craft. If you squint, you begin to wonder if perhaps that serpentine cloud is kept aloft by wisped wings.
  The Symbolism
The serpents are different aspects of the divine, a bit like how the greek gods embodied certain aspects of life. While the game's main theme is more about the idea of repentance, the serpents are meant to act as a symbols of other godly aspects. Justice (or the law/commandments) and Wisdom protect the village from the outside influences of the city. Death makes its home in the city, where corruption causes death to occur every day, and Mercy acts as a veil causing them to lose their memories of being created the first time they descend Mt. Gigabit, and preventing robots from climbing back up to the summit after their initial descent. The city being made of the corpses of serpents insinuates that the city has built itself on the death of principle.

This article has no secrets.


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