White Raven Character in Nascindor | World Anvil

White Raven

The White Raven is the deity of the ancient beliefs of the Pale Men, a majestic avian creature with feathers of purest white.
  It is the harbinger of personal growth, appearing to those who are on the cusp of great changes in their lives, or who desperately need a change. Witnessing the White Raven flying by is an invitation to a journey of hardship and self-reflection, and all one has to do is to follow the bird, as it will lead you to the challenges that will benefit you.
  There is some debate among scholars whether or not the White Raven actually exists as an entity, or if the Pale Men are simply following a rare bird and mistakenly attributing any events that happen during said journey to it. The fact that most of these wanderers, as the Pale Men call those who depart to follow the raven, return with a single white feather plucked from the raven perplexes even these skeptics, however.


Meticulous searching of the Mourning Plateau has produced no signs of a white raven nesting anywhere within the arid steppe. Yet despite this, members of the tribes and even travelers passing through continue to sight the bird. Curiously, mages who have projected within the Tapestrum Arcanum in the plateau have also claimed to have seen the White Raven inside that magical dimension, which supports the notion that the creature is supernatural in nature.
The White Raven knows you, stranger.
  He invites you to fly with him.
–A Pale Shaman to a Pluthemian adventurer upon meeting them for the very first time
Divine Classification
by AI-generated
A depiction of the White Raven, painted by an anonymous artist

Cover image: by AI-generated


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