Pressure Lancer Item in Nascindor | World Anvil

Pressure Lancer

The S'aue have harnessed the power of steam for a lot of their technology, and the Pressure Lancer is their first attempt at weaponizing it.


After having designed, prototyped and launched the Peacekeepers, inventor and investor Corius Sprocket has decided that the next step after law enforcement is a military project. Corius secured funding from the Board of Directors and has been prototyping different designs for several years before he landed onto this one, which is showing great promise.  


The Pressure Lancer consists of a stock, two different tanks, a small combustion engine and a barrel. When the combustion engine is running, it generates heat and pressure in the frontal tank. When the trigger is pulled, a measure of water from the container tank is drained into a connector tube between the two tanks and when the trigger is released, the water is allowed to be sucked into the heated tank where it evaporates explosively, the resulting scalding steam having nowhere else to go and thus shooting out of the barrel at immense pressure in a "lance" of superheated steam that can reach up to twenty feet away.


Pressure Lancers are prototypes at the moment, but they are already seeing use by the mercenary crews of the S'aue oil flotillas where the cutthroat competition demands the bleeding edge of technology. Plans for mass production are already underway, and it is only a matter of time before the lancers will be adopted as the standard issue service weapon of the S'aue Empire, assuming that extended testing does not reveal any glaring design flaws.
A bit loud, isn't it?
–A Telothian investor during a demonstration of the Pressure Lancer, referring to the idle of the weapon's engine
by Midjourney
A Pressure Lancer

Cover image: by Midjourney


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