Devilblooded Species in Nareah | World Anvil


Oi, that's tiefling, you git! Say that devil naff one more time, I dare you!
— Anonymous Devilblooded in Volsinii
The devilblooded, more politely known as half-devils or tieflings, are a group of individuals who display characteristics of infernal heritage.   There are no historically recorded devilblooded prior to the Godsmarch and almost no notable population of them prior to the last three hundred years. More religious minded folk point to this as an example of the world's decline, especially the (relatively) large populations that can now be found on Estlund. However, as historical records prior to the Kazarian Heresy are spotty at the best of times, it is very probable they have existed as a people far longer and just gone mostly unnoticed in the intervening years.   Unlike other hybrid races, who most often consider themselves not a mixed race but instead either of their parents' own species, almost all devilblooded consider themselves a distinct race, no matter the appearance of their parents. This leads to a strong prideful streak in most devilblooded, most of whom despise the term and most often describe themselves as tieflings. Most are proud of their heritage and will rarely, if ever, back down when challenged about it.   Official status of the devilblooded vary from nation to nation. In Reisenhoff, for example, there is a significant enough populationto that most residents have come to accept them, even in smaller towns. By contrast, the devilblooded are only regularly seen in larger cities in Sevaria with many smaller towns and villages never seeing more than one or two passing through in their lifetimes. This perception is, perhaps, worsened by the legendary Tertiatus the Cruel, one of the most fierce warlords in the Aeortian Knightdoms who conducts regular raids into the southerly reaches of Sevaria.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Phluphii Aimari by FlutteringMist
Perhaps of all the peoples of Nereah, the devilblooded are the hardest to describe as a single group. Their appearance varies greatly, given their descent from multiple other races and the varying types of infernal blood that runs in their veins. Some very few appear as no more than a typical member of their race and live their entire life without being aware of the infernal blood coursing through them. Most others, however, appear much more exotic.   Skin colouration for the devilblooded covers the entire range of the mortal race they are descended from but also a myriad array of other shades although greys and reds are by far the most common. Some exhibit strange patterning on their skin; much like the tones of the skin, these patterns vary widely and can range from simply appearing as minor skin blemishes to extremely complex patterns.   Additionally, almost all devilblooded manifest their infernal heritage in the shape of a thick, muscular tail that generally grows as long as the tiefling is tall.   One of the most rare traits for devilblooded to manifest are cloven hooves. Those that do are exceedingly rare, with no more than halfa dozen known throughout history.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Most devilblooded manifest horns to some degree or another; while many have large horns that become the dominating feature on their face, some only end up growing the smallest stubs of horns. Every tiefling has, at the least, overly sharp canine teeth but a sizeable number end up with a mouth full of fangs; most, however, fall somewhere between those two extremes.   Eye colours can vary between almost every hue imaginable but, excepting the lucky few who do not manifest the trait, are almost always a solid colour.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Devilblooded can be found across most of Estlund in at least a small number, though the majority of their population is concentrated in Reisenhoff (the nation most accepting of them) and Sevaria.   While some occasionally find their way there, the Island Nations Confederation is home to extremely few native devilblooded.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Many devilblooded are given names from their parents' cultures. A large number, however, elect to change their names as they come of age and come to understand what they are. Some choose to adopt names from the Infernal tongue while others elect to call themselves by a virtue name, showing off the world the thing they have chosen to embody.

Common Taboos

As most devilblooded are attempting to break away from the prejudice that comes from their infernal heritage, it is highly frowned upon - even more so than for others - to truck with devils and demons. A great number of more righteous minded devilblooded have made it their life's goal to tracking down and ending those who would do such a thing.
120 to 160 years
Average Height
160 to 220 cm
Average Weight
55 to 100 kg

Cover image: by Artbreeder, FiveFootSquare