Aetherius Character in Namyria | World Anvil
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The Void

(a.k.a. The Void)

Aetherius (pronounced a-eh-THEE-ree-us, or ay-THEE-ryus), commonly called The Void, is one of the four Primordial Deities. He rarely responds to the call of mortals, but once in a while he will chose a champion to protect the silence of the universe, lest his brother, Naminus, awakens and undoes all of creation.   He is the embodiment of the universe, the space within which all of creation resides. He contains Namyria, a prison made for his brother Naminus, guarded by their partners, the sisters Solaris and Lunaris, and the inner planes of existence, where elementals and other such creatures reside.


The universe is built with limits in it. There are places we cannot visit, acts we cannot perform. This is all so the timewheel doesn't stop turning. Should any being commit an act too great, regardless of morality, or reach a peak of power that threatens to reach the ears of Naminus, then it must be stopped, erased, or removed from Aetherius itself, if necessary. For this, he keeps a keen eye and open ear, searching for individuals whose power stands out too much, and casts them out of the universe should stopping them become impossible. These cast out individuals are known as the Anaetherials.


Excerpts and testimony of important historical events Aetherius was involved in are scarce. Since his last active role resulted in creation itself and no living creatures existed before that aside from the other primordials and the first children, all knowledge of Aetherius is assumed to have been passed on by other deities to their devout, in the form of vague imagery and cryptic messages.

Role in Creation

Aetherius was tasked by his partners Solaris and Lunaris to incapacitate Naminus, who wouldn't lend them his power to create. Aetherius talked to his brother until he fell into a deep slumber, then took him and kept him safe deep within himself, where The First Children created a barrier around him: Namyria and the inner planes. Aetherius, Solaris and Lunaris remain ever vigilant, to prevent Naminus' awakening and, subsequently, the destruction of all they had created.

Current Role

He forms the empty sky where the sun, the moon, Namyria and the inner planes float around. He also forms a barrier between the prison set for Naminus, and the Anaetherials, beings of power surpassing that of normal mortals, rivaling that of the First Children, and who could potentially cause enough of a stir to awaken Naminus.


The Primordials and the First Children

b]Aetherius cares deeply for his children, the Road, the Light, the Star and The Shadow, as well as his two partners, Solaris and Lunaris. If there is one who he cares most deeply for, however, it's his brother, Naminus. Aetherius holds him in the highest esteem, and considers him to be the most powerful and unique of the primordials. During the creation of Namyria, Aetherius knew he could not face his brother in combat, so he talked him to sleep instead, and asked the First Children to use their new powers to imprison him beneath fire, rock, water and air, to prevent his awakening for eternity.

The Anaetherials

Contrary to the love he holds for his relatives and equals, Aetherius is very wary of the creatures we know as the Anaetherials, rogue elements of creation that have escalated to a level of power that threatens the delicate structure created by The First Children. He despises them, and consistently deters mortals that may threaten to cross that power barrier. Those that slip from his grasp, however, he is forced to remove from the system entirely, sending them to the Outer Planes, where he is in constant struggle, attempting to stop their influence from reaching the ears of his brother.


Aetherius forms the sky and the void that surrounds Namyria . During the day, Solaris's light gives him a bright light blue hue. At night, Lunaris dances in the sky while her sister rests, and the stars come out to watch, splattering his surface with shimmering dots.

Divine Intervention

Rare are Aetherius' interactions with the realm of mortals, both because he rarely pays attention to their affairs, and because he fears direct contact might endanger his brother's slumber. When he does react to the acts of a mortal, however, it can range from harmless, in the form of twinkling stars, to blatant, like vanishing objects from the mortal's surroundings.


The inhabitants of the void and the Aetherial Plane.

Church of Aetherius

There is no formal church of Aetherius, as he keeps a distance from mortals and rarely listens to their pleas. He is almost entirely concerned with the safekeeping of Naminus within his prison, and little else. There are, however, a few individuals he has granted a modicum of power to. Agents to extend his control and safety of the world.


Those employed in his service tend to wear his colours, dressing in blacks and in whites. These tend to be simple, plain robes with belts or some accessories of the opposite colour.


There are rare occasions for a mortal to wish upon himself a blessing of Aetherius, and when those do occur, the Void rarely answers. Most of these voidseekers are people seeking a deep level of personal peace, the depressed and suicidal, or hermits seeking to achieve absolute solitude from the rest of mortals.

Divine Domains

Emptiness, freedom and solitude

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Aetherius or his presence are commonly represented with a black and white circle with eight stars within it. Carvings of this representation can be found in scriptures and carvings as old as the first civilizations.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Aetherius looks only for one thing: for life to prosper without threatening itself by awakening Naminus. He keeps a watchful eye to protect all of creation and prevent his brother's awakening.
Divine Classification
Primordial Deity

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